the official "u did it" thread

Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

star's school goes from kindergarten-8th iirc
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

middle school

you guys are funny
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Nysic said:
you're lucky
it's the exact same thing as middle school except add screaming little children that won't leave you alone
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Nozomi Toujou said:
I graduated from elementary school! Now I get to be a high school student.

I know what you really mean, but the way you said "finally" it just seems like you only recently passed fifth grade.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Magikrazy said:
I know what you really mean, but the way you said "finally" it just seems like you only recently passed fifth grade.
i've been in this school for 9 years krazy

9 years
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

So we had some more exams today, and I was still pretty sick (mostly just coughing by this point, sniffles was still around though).

During the entire science exam, I was just coughing really, really loudly and people kept looking at me and turning and because it was in the hall you weren't supposed to do that and I felt so bad for distracting everyone and I coughed some more and it wasn't a fun time.

Then when we left the examination hall a ton of people were asking me if I was okay, what happened to me, hoping for my full recovery, etc. I was expecting frustration over not being able to concentrate for the ninety minutes, but I guess I'm just surrounded by really nice people, which is neat.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Nozomi Toujou said:
Magikrazy said:
I know what you really mean, but the way you said "finally" it just seems like you only recently passed fifth grade.
i've been in this school for 9 years krazy

9 years
i know :P
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

ice that happens to me all the time because my coughing has become chronic :/
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Eri Ayase said:
ice that happens to me all the time because my coughing has become chronic :/
rip, hope you break the mold
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

GalacticPetey said:
Nozomi Toujou said:
I graduated from elementary school! Now I get to be a high school student.


Elementary school? Do you not have a distinction between that and middle school?
my middle school's called a library
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Yessssss most of my exams are over, hardest week off this entire year, easily.

All those exams, having to inadvertently run on nothing more than a bottle of water in the midst of terrible sickness. Though I passed out in my English exam a bunch of times and forgot what I was about to write, rip, then almost did the same in the Spanish exam if it weren't for one of the teachers. I would've loved to stay at home in this dreadful heat, but there could be almost no worse time for me to have gotten sick this year, screw whatever caused that and it's still not gone even now. Probably did mediocre on the English one, kind of annoyed because that's my best subject and I like to kill its tests, though I at least did good on Spanish most likely, though screw the telephone booth question, literally wall of text that can barely be understood.

Oh yeah and on Tuesday I came second on this Stock Market challenge event, my team finally listened to me and my desires to buy loads of shares and sell loads of shares at the right time on the fifth trading day and we actually doubled our money to snatch that position. Prize was some chocolate I didn't like but I made a bit of money off of my share of it by selling it to some friends. :wario:

EDIT: mfw I forgot I have a drama exam on wednesday and then even more weeks of school

Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

officially the last day of school

i shredded my school documents folder on my laptop and threw away a shit ton irl
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

i came out to my parents

after a while i got into a conversation with my mom and
Me: the reason why i brought up the name sasha at first is because it's a nice unisex name

Mom: It is. You aren't thinking of changing your name are you?

Me: yeah

Mom: Why?

Me: what do you mean "why"

Mom: Why change your name?

Me: uhhh i answered your not changing name question with "yeah" so i'm not changing my name just yet
Me: although i would kind of prefer it
Me: but that's just me

Mom: Stick with Sofia

Me: mom it's a preferred name i'm not changing it legally
Me: like [preferred name]

Mom: Don't pick Sasha

Me: you don't like it, do you
Me: what do you suggest?

Mom: How about Sofia

Me: that's not gender neutral

Mom: Why does it have to be gender neutral

Me: because it makes me feel more comfortable
Me: why don't you question [old name] preferring [preferred name] all of a sudden? it's literally the exact same in context

Mom: I did question it and still don't call her [preferred name]
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

I saw a US$ note (20$ to be exact) irl for the first time in my life today.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

This was ages ago, but I couldn't post it.

I fought a flood at work, that was fun.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Took a test to see how I am doing in German. See, I have taken some German classes but I obviously still can't talk shit(I stopped taking them because circumstances). I did feel like actually learning and not half-assedly knowing some German(in some other places in other circumstances), but I guess I wouldn't start from the very beginning if I know enough, so there's the test to see how I do. I dunno, I think I might have done so-so.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

The performance happened yesterday, everyone did great and it was hugely positively received, which was nice.

It was a sci-fi horror recreation and I'm certain we scared the living socks out of most of the audience, especially at the end because we were all on the stairs (bar one) and suddenly turned to screech at them as pseudo-zombies. Many screams.

I felt horrible afterwards though, my character was really condescending to another because superiority to them and someone said they would've punched me if I was like that to them in a real conversation, I legit felt obliged to apologize to her because I sold it that much, but we were all buddies so probably unnecessary since she was completely fine with it.

Also, our drama teacher bought us all free chicken and chips because most of us hadn't eaten, it was so nice of him.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

LN1 said:
Took a test to see how I am doing in German. See, I have taken some German classes but I obviously still can't talk shit(I stopped taking them because circumstances). I did feel like actually learning and not half-assedly knowing some German(in some other places in other circumstances), but I guess I wouldn't start from the very beginning if I know enough, so there's the test to see how I do. I dunno, I think I might have done so-so.

tell me more
what were the questions?
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Eri Ayase said:
LN1 said:
Took a test to see how I am doing in German. See, I have taken some German classes but I obviously still can't talk shit(I stopped taking them because circumstances). I did feel like actually learning and not half-assedly knowing some German(in some other places in other circumstances), but I guess I wouldn't start from the very beginning if I know enough, so there's the test to see how I do. I dunno, I think I might have done so-so.

tell me more
what were the questions?
I don't memorize test questions. If you ever ask me, "What did you answer for number 15?", I'll probably not even remember shit. But as for the general nature of the questions, I dunno, some basic German stuff I suppose. Um...fill in the blank(for sentences) multiple choice. Except for three true-false questions in the end based on a letter also written in German. I actually didn't exactly understand a few of the questions but deduced answers for a few of those few.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Comic-Con is pretty cool. I've seen plenty of Links, Doctors, Jokers, and Harleys, and I've bought myself a Sora.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

Best cosplay award I've seen irl goes to the 9 people who were the 9 classes from TF2 at the gamescom last year and they were camping in front of the valve merchandise booth.
Re: Please discuss your recent wonderful accomplishments here

finally got a laptop, this makes things a lot easier