the official "u did it" thread

Hououin Kyouma said:
D.Va said:
Hououin Kyouma said:
Got the first paycheck of my life (is that how you call it?)
Nice what are you going to buy first

I was at burger king
Don't get me wrong but I think Burger King is a bit too large to buy with a first paycheck.

Don't keep your hopes up though, you'll get there someday.
New cat (I'll post a pic once she comes out of hiding) and a new phone today.
I had the most productive weekend. Went ahead with my family photo project, just digitalizing photos and negatives, while documenting each one (who appears in each photo, and the date if available)

My pro set-up:


My great-great-great grandfather (a direct male line). From around 1880-90

If you ever need help with that, feel free to contact me. I've authored a few trees.
I was actually using myheritage! But same functionality right, more or less?
well derp


Yes, I've modeled this. Here's some stuff he'll have over the ubiquitous Super Sluggers Baby Luigi:

+Higher poly in general
+Polygonal eyebrows
+Polygon insignia on the hat
+A polygonal tongue so he can stick it out. Maybe the hole to his throat can be polygonal as well.
+Better facial expression utility (I'll make a version of him with a straight mouth.)
+Higher resolution textures. I'll paint 2K-sized textures instead of being a mere 512x512
+I'll further enhance his model with zBrush
+His shirt will be whole polygon instead of parts, so you can move his overall straps without exposing holes where they would be.

The eyes, I've mapped it and applied older textures because I was derp but I'll replace those eye textures with high-res eyes.

I still need to work on his body but it's going fine so far.
This was actually the other day, but I started working/volunteering at a dog shelter, and it went very well.
[17:14] Nibbs i had beer
[17:14] Meta_Knight what kind
[17:14] Meta_Knight how do you feel
[17:14] Nibbs a bud light
[17:14] Meta_Knight do you feel drunk
[17:14] Nibbs normal
[17:14] Nibbs not really
[17:15] Nibbs although i was dropping silverware after 5 sips
[17:15] Lord_Bowser heh nice
[17:15] Meta_Knight did you like it or no
[17:16] Nibbs it was ok. a little too bitter for my tastes. i could probably drink more than the 10 ounces i did drink but over a longer period of time