Princess Peach Showtime

Meow Skulls

Hi lmfaorofllol
Coming next year to Nintendo Switch, a new game with Peach in a starring role, judging by what little has been shown, it doesn't appear to be a sequel to Super Princess Peach
in a spiritual successor kind of way.. it might be.
"What on earth is happening?"
Gee, Nintendo, would be nice if you told us.
A magic ribbon of light to fend off darkness?
I'm really excited for this game! Sure, Super Princess Peach on DS was good, but it had a few flaws such as Perry's unresolved backstory, boring minigames, and the fact that you have to beat the game twice to finish it completely. I really hope this new Peach game not only brings some fresh ideas to the table, but also fixes some of the flaws SPP had.
i wonder if it's gonna be some sort of magical girl like thing, im kinda getting those vibes from her dress glowing near the end
Considering how Peach never had her crown in the ad, I'm guessing the play in the ad was about how Peach got the crown and became the ruler of the toads.

Also, since this game takes place on a stage, and most real life musicals take place on a stage, I wouldn't be surprised if this was just a straight-up musical combat game of sorts, with a similar style of boss battles to The Nightmare Before Christmas; Oogie's Revenge (If you want to know what I'm talking about, please try looking up The Nightmare Before Christmas; Oogie's Revenge boss battles on YouTube).
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It's theater.
What could possibly go wrong?
The 2.5D look kinda makes it look like a successor to 3D Land and 3D World. Maybe they decided that 2D Mario games were for the casual gamers, famileis and kids, 3D Mario games were for the core Nintendo fans and gamers, and the 3D Land formula didn't fit in either so they're now making it a "small kids" thing like Kirby or Yoshi? Who knows.

Although I do think it's stupid to assume that they're trying to market this game as a "girl game", admittedly, or that it is any more casual than the other entries to the main series just because it has Peach as a protagonist. It might as well be the hardcore platformer we deserve.
Peach's forms look so cool! I really like the new villain and the name of the flower buddy is very nice. It seems like everyone's assumptions about this being a theater play is true, but you get to save mutliple different performances instead of just one or two. And also we get to see how Peach actually bakes her cakes for Mario and friends. I'm looking forward to this when it releases next March!
One thing that I am good with the game is that Mario is not used as a crutch to boost the importance of the main character. So there was an old DS game called Super Princess Peach, which has the plot of... Bowser kidnapping Mario and friends, so Peach has to rescue them. And in that game, Mario is the final person to rescue. I think it's disappointing if a game had to lean to making them rescue Mario because it felt like they are not sufficient enough to stand on their own without putting them in a position to rescue the main character of the franchise.

In this game, there is no signs of Mario, which is good so far. It shows that Peach can stand up on her own without using Mario as a motivation. Not even Mario needed rescuing Peach as a motivation for every game he's in, and Yoshi games didn't have him carrying Mario all the time. It's my issue with Luigi's Mansion because the games had to resort to Mario-rescuing to make Luigi important (adding to the "making Luigi important" part, they outright shun character variety in Luigi's Mansion so you are railroaded into only playing as Luigi and his lookalikes in multiplayer).

Thank you for reading.
Looks surprisingly promising, although I have yet to see much of the actual gameplay. Who knows I might have to get it myself
So I know I'm late (I was distracted by the TTYD remake) but I just watched the trailer for this and it looks so amazing!!

I'm very keen on the new villain and Peach goes from adorable to badass between her different forms.

I'm not sure how good the gameplay will be, it looks like an action adventure, so I guess it will be okay at least and great at best?

I'm interested by the observation that Peach doesn't wear her crown in the game and therefore the game could be an origin story for Peach? Not a thought I had when watching it but it's an interesting thought.

I'm glad we finally know more about the game now since I wasn't a fan of not even knowing its name prior to this Direct.
I'm interested by the observation that Peach doesn't wear her crown in the game and therefore the game could be an origin story for Peach? Not a thought I had when watching it but it's an interesting thought.
Actually you can see her wearing her crown in the cutscene before the gameplay.
Actually you can see her wearing her crown in the cutscene before the gameplay.
Yeah, sorry, I rewatched the trailer and noticed that. But it's still kind of funny that she doesn't wear it during most of the trailer where the main game is shown, so that could be related to the story somehow?