Good luck or bad luck?


Heart of an ox
The user above puts out a scenario, the next user via this website must flip a coin, if the coin lands on heads, the user below describes what happens when the above scenario results in good luck, if it lands on tails, they must describe a scenario results in bad luck and then offer a new scenario, repeat
You become a well known lawyer
You win a case!

You decide to purchase a new console.
You jailbreak your console, the company finds out, and your account is permanently disabled.

You take up golf as a new hobby.
The golf ball bounces off a tree and hits you in the eye.

A mystery box arrives on your doorstep. It has air holes.
You enter the ancient temple on the island and get sucked through the ancient portal, ending up in Omaha, Nebraska.

You enter a Caribou Coffee shop.
What the actual Waluigi is a Caribou Coffee? Anyways...
You get a 50% discount!

You get to meet Kirby in real life.

...I flipped a physical coin instead of the one on the website. Do you think I cheated?
You exhange "HI!"s then Kirby sucks you up and you live in his endless stomach void forever and ever

You find a cow on the side of the road
The Yoshi hatches, so you hop on it, only to find its back is covered in super glue so you're forced to ride it for the rest of your life

You start cooking some SPAM®
There is a mysterious top hat in it and you get possessed by the ghost of Abraham Lincoln

You go to a theme park
You don't remember how you got there, you just one day thought you'd like to go and woke up in a theme park you've never heard of. This confuses you at first but against your better judgement you decide to just enjoy the various attractions and investigate this later. After winning a massive crocodile plush in a wack-a-mole you decide to ask the person next to you to take a photo they tell you to step back, once they do you see they whip out a flip phone. That's weird, you think to yourself, then it hits you, the haircuts, the clothes, the fact everyone around you have been talking about the Antony Hopkins film 'The World's Fastest Indian', it's all so clear now and you feel stupid for not realising. You are in the filming for the Cartoon Network original film 'Re-animated' and now for the rest of your days you are in a complicated space/time loop where you can only live in the filming locations of said movie at the times that that film was being made.

You get a year of Luigi promotional notepad
Kanye West comes to the hospital to be with you while you die, you stop having a heart attack, get immediately better, and Kanye throws an impromptu party in the hospital, puts on an amazing show, and you become the coolest person in the world.

You go to McDonalds
Just used a website ( to flip a virtual coin since I do not have an actual coin on hand. I decided heads was good luck. I got heads.

Ok so you die but then you remember when you were alive you learned a magic time-reversing spell to go back to when you were still alive and you revive yourself using it. I'd love to see this turn out bad somehow with the next post LOL....
Just used a website ( to flip a virtual coin since I do not have an actual coin on hand. I decided heads was good luck. I got heads.

Ok so you die but then you remember when you were alive you learned a magic time-reversing spell to go back to when you were still alive and you revive yourself using it. I'd love to see this turn out bad somehow with the next post LOL....
you turn into a snowman for not posting a follow-up scenario

You get a phone call from a pirate
The pirate says you stole his treasure. He strikes you down with his sword and sends your soul to Davy Jone's Locker. Jack Sparrow can't save you now! (Don't know why I added that last part LOL). So what'll happen? Will things get better for you with the next person's coin flip, or will things get worse?
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