Champion's Road

For Champion's Road, I'd say to bring in extra powerups so you have more health. Peach and Rosalina's abilities can make the course slightly easier too. I usually play as Luigi and his high jumps have helped me but I'd recommend to play as the characters you're the best with.

For the Mystery House, try to remember (if you can) the order of the rooms so you can plan for them. 30 rooms is a lot, but if you keep at it you'll beat it. Never give up!
The way I beat Champion's Road: bring Super Leaves and Lucky Bells for every player. In the first sections up to the first green star, use the Leaves to make the platforming easier. In the roller-spike section, use the Lucky Bell to destroy the spiky rollers and time your jumps through the Fuzzies. Keep the Cat Suit for as long as you can, then swap back to the Leaf if you lose it. Finally, RUN AND SWIM LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT. And for that Mystery House, try taking powerups not meant for it or bring the ones required early to make the challenge easier. And memorize it, too, as Sparks said
I could probably help you through both levels, if you have NS Online. I could just (slightly skillfully) stay alive while your siblings and you respawn, if you can just tell me when. I'm free Friday or Saturday afternoon, both after 3-5p.m.
I don't have online. I'm not gonna say my age but I'm not an adult yet. (I'm old enough to be on the Boards, in case you guys wondered) My parents say it's a scam so yeah.
This weekend I'm going to be playing Super Mario 3D World + Bowser's Fury and I'm going to 100% the game (this includes getting the stamps for all characters by clearing every stage with them! That's something I've never done before.), which means I'll have to play through Champion's Road. 5 times for five characters! Maybe my experiences could help you out.
I'm just here to say I've cleared all stages, including the Mystery House and Champion's Road! I did the Mystery House on my first try, but Champion's Road took me at least 10 attempts.