ROUND 1 - RESULTS The winning Scribbles are shown below.
Thank you, everyone, for a fantastic first round. I've heard great feedback from players for every single Scribble submitted, so know that you have already won.
The creators of the winning scribbles have been awarded one point, which doesn't mean much.
Category: Items/Objects
Round 2 starts: Mar 27, 2024 at 7:00 PM Round 2 Matchups:
Round 2 - Speedy Scribble - has begun. With just 20 short minutes, you'll need to race against the clock to complete your Scribble. Will you be funny? Daring? Stupid? That's your choice.
IMPORTANT: There is some leeway in the case of technical issues, or wanting to use all 20 minutes for your Scribble. I will not penalise submissions that are a few minutes late, as long as the extra time was just used for sending it in.
Also, gimmicks are exclusive to each week. No more using your opponent's colour... it is speed time now The prompt category is: Items/Objects e.g. BRICK BLOCK, HAT, etc. Round 2 submissions end: Apr 1, 2024 at 6:00 PM
There's quite a few Scribbles left, still. It should be especially easier to find the time for them now, so let's hope we see a full set of speedily-produced artworks this time tomorrow.
Round 3 - Complete the Scribble - has begun. This will be the most experimental round of the game.
Instead of a text prompt, you will receive an image. Your task will then be to fill in the blanks, preserving the base prompt. You are otherwise free to draw whatever you want!
It's okay to draw over some of the lines or recolour things in service of your Scribble, as long as the 'essence' of the base prompt is preserved. Since this is an experimental first, I will be lenient.
It is hard to aptly categorize the prompts, but each one will fall under one of these 'types';
Objectives | Framings | Abstractions
Objective - you may want to complete the unfinished idea (e.g. a space for you to draw a wall between two things)
Framing - you may want to make your Scribble fit into these lines (e.g. comic panels)
Abstraction - you may want to use the doodles and squiggles to make whatever you want
You can, of course, interpret the prompt however you want. I am not going to be strict about what counts as 'in the Spirit of Scribble' this week due to the new ruleset, so don't be afraid of experimentation! (As long as you follow the basic rules).
Round 3 submissions end: Apr 8, 2024 at 6:00 PM
Lastly, if you're unsure about any of this, please get in touch and we can talk it though or have a practice.
There's a significant number of outstanding Scribbles remaining. Be brave and embrace the chaos - through these new challenges, new forms of creativity will arise.
ROUND 2 - RESULTS The winning Scribbles are shown below.
Two matches tied this week - GBA vs CITRI, and KOOPS vs STEAMLINED. The tie was broken by the Kingsforume system - three Kingsbournes from 2022's Scribble Showdown judged the tied matches and came to a group consensus.
The creators of the winning scribbles have been awarded one point, which doesn't mean much.
Category: Scribbling Through History (3 years of glory)
Round 4 - Triple Color Mania - has begun. You can no longer use black or white in your Scribble. Instead, choose any 3 colours to create the most striking, paletted combination you can think of!
- You do not have to use the colour you signed up with.
- You can pick your three colours whenever you want, including after receiving your prompt.
- Please do NOT attempt to circumnavigate the rules by making your colours approximate black or white. Darker and lighter shades of colours are fine, but be sensible. I will not be as lenient this round.
- I've got examples of a good and bad palette below, but if you want to double-check anything with me, please reach out.
This is good! Using a lighter shade of a colour for shading and highlights works well and is allowed. Similarly, a darker shade for contrast and shadows is perfectly valid here.
Don't do this! The bright and dark colours are too close to white and black.
The prompt category is: Scribble Titles 2021-2024 e.g. HOLY FIRE, REVENGE OF THE GNOMES, etc.
Throughout the years, Scribblers have sometimes named their artworks, adding an extra bit of flair to their submission. Your prompt will be one of these titles, curated and shuffled for maximum Kaizo-style fun. Prepare for anything.
As before, there's a good number of Scribbles I'm still waiting on. I've seen some really good stuff so far, so I'd love to get a full house for our final official round.
ROUND 4 - RESULTS The winning Scribbles are shown below.
Thank you, everyone, for playing. As far as the official Labs session is concerned, that's it - we're done! There will be one bonus round after this: Palette Swap, where you Scribble with the colour of your opponent. This will be entirely optional, so if you've had your fill, you can stop playing now and relax. Let me know if that's the case though.
A massive shoutout goes to LTQ, the strong and powerful rock of this whole game. Without his services and programming talents, Scribble as it is now wouldn't exist. He was able to quickly update and tweak the automatic Scribble software to accommodate my silly requests, so please give him your thanks.
And, of course, everyone who Scribbled, voted, and gave feedback - you have my gratitude. This game relies on the huge creative output of its participants, and their ability to adapt to the constantly shifting rules. I've collected a lot of opinions and Discourse on the experimental gimmicks, but am always open to hearing more.
Category: ??????
Round starts: Apr 17, 2024 at 6:00 PM Round Matchups:
Announcement: Goombuigi will not be taking part in the bonus round, and his previous matches have been declared invalid. The matchups for this round have been adjusted slightly to accommodate this change:
Dodo vs Goombuigi -> Dodo vs Gabumon Toadbert vs Gabumon -> Toadbert vs TPG*.
*I am the host of this game, but due to the nature of this week's prompt category, I am at no advantage. The prompts have not been set yet, but when they are (and I know what prompt I will get), I will do my Scribble immediately, as to not benefit from advance knowledge of my prompt.
I don't take this decision lightly. After some close inspection, it has been determined that many of Goombuigi's Scribbles this year have relied on very heavy referencing and tracing of existing artworks and images. This goes strongly against both the rules and the spirit of this game, so each match he has participated in has been nulled. Players who faced off against Goombuigi will not retroactively 'win' - in terms of scoring, their matches will be treated as though they never happened.
I should emphasize; this level of tracing in Scribble makes the tournament worse for everyone. It's unfair to use a technique like that in a competitive format, as it gives you a unique advantage. An unfair match means skewed results, which ultimately shifts people's placements in the tournament.
There is merit to tracing in other contexts - it can help you study and learn the basics of good lineart and form, and is good to get a quick visual made for casual contexts like sprite art. I don't think tracing makes one a bad artist or a cheat, and I don't think this reflects poorly on this player in any context outside of this game, but it cannot be submitted as a good-faith artwork when competing with someone else.
There have been cases in the past where, after a Scribbler was found to be going against the spirit of the game and asked to adjust their methods, their Scribbles and artistic merit improved drastically. I have no plans to host Scribble games after this, but I'm openly requesting that this particular player is allowed to return to the format in good faith now that this rule has been explicitly demonstrated.