The MarioBoards ISOT MapGame


A Yoshi pops up in Egypt. The Yoshi spends all year building a Sphinx in the likeness of himself.

The pumpkin has completely rotted. The camera still stands.

The people of New St. Lucia begin working on boats.

A cell phone from 2008 appears on top of Mt. Everest. It freezes on the mountain.

A clone of myself drowns in the middle of the ocean.
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How about…

A cell phone at the top of Mt. Everest in the year 2008.
Nice to see everyone got the hang of this so quickly!

Not much has happened in the first 3 years, but I ain't complaining!

Anyone wanna suggest something for year 4?
Wait hang on you didn't put yourself in the middle of the ocean
Year 2032: 400 Terminator-600s and 700 Terminator Tanks pop up in downtown Los Angeles through a time portal and start wreaking havoc.
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New St. Lucia has perfected boats!

A paper airplane is put in Brazil and a purple crayon is put in the Bahamas.

Every other object is still standing.
Year 5:
1. ISOTed object Commodore 128, placed in Kyoto, Japan. C128 was imported by someone from a US Ebay seller for some reason.
2. ISOTed object Tandy 1000HX, placed in Germany.
Remember, @Zdrmonster Productions , You can put in any person, place or thing. They can be from our timeline (OTL), an alternate timeline, or the realm of fiction!

Wanna expand year 5?
3. ISOTed creature A Blue Yoshi, placed in London, England. The blue Yoshi is looking for the Tandy 1000HX in Germany.

New St. Lucia begins sailing to nearby islands, hoping to claim them. The owner is trying to avoid a family of incestuous people.

A Commodore 128 is placed in Kyoto.

A Tandy 1000HX is placed in Germany, while a Blue Yoshi finds its way into London. It begins its long journey to Germany.
Year 6:
1. ISOTed object A copy of Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade Action Game for PC, placed in Germany alongside the Tandy 1000. The Blue Yoshi continues his looking and is now in France.
2. ISOTed object Slime Potion, placed in London, England. Anyone that drinks the potion will melt into a slimy puddle and become a shapeshifting slime while retaining all memories and intelligence within a slime core.
3. ISOTed object block of sand in London, Texas.
Year 6:

Martinique is claimed by New St. Lucia.

The Blue Yoshi, having crossed the channel, is now in France. He still treks on.

A block of sand appears in London, Texas. It stands alone.

A slime potion is found in London. Someone has yet to find it.
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