THE Scribble Smorgasbord

Sounds interesting. I wonder if I will feel ready yet, for I still haven't done my presentation and this month's Shroom cartoon.

Thank you for reading.
Looking like I might need some more time to get more things in order, so I'm going to push the start date farther out, probably closer to the start of September. Sorry if this is less convenient for anyone, but I figured it'd help a majority of players recuperate after Awards end
Sounds interesting. I wonder if I will feel ready yet, for I still haven't done my presentation and this month's Shroom cartoon.
All right, completed those two.
Colour: #EE5921 Hallo-win Orange (Actual colour name is "Halloween orange")
Role: Wizard (with a wizard hat that is similar to a bump cap or hardhat, so I suppose it's similar to a traffic cone)

EDIT: Just a rough idea. Feel free to do any embellishments as needed.

Thank you for reading.
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i have come to repent for my sins
#34399b Sapphire
"Please accept my sincerest apologies for the delay - your ride is here, sir and/or madam. Hearts, Carmine Cabbie (#D70040), at your service."


This is just a rough design since I lacked an OC to represent me so feel free to tweak it
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To attempt to curb the general privatization of debate and to foster healthy communication and discussion of community events in more public places, I will make an attempt to leave feedback for this year's scribbles in this thread. I would also like to encourage people to discuss results here and in the official awards discord server (after voting closes, so votes aren't influenced).

  • If you want me to comment on your scribbles this year, react to this post with 😂 haha
  • If you want me to comment and also leave constructive criticism and suggestions, react with 😠 angry

Let's start talking to each other again, like we did the first few times this tournament was hosted.
I'll say as someone who occassionally enjoys going back to see old reactions to Scribble brackets, how buried and fragmented they are makes it a pain. Posting here helps be a bit more permanent, I think

Also, if anyone is unaware still, I created a thread within the Awards server (the one with the bot you gotta be in) to try and consolidate discussions a bit. If you've got something nice to discuss this is intended to be the place where the artist can see it
To attempt to curb the general privatization of debate and to foster healthy communication and discussion of community events in more public places, I will make an attempt to leave feedback for this year's scribbles in this thread. I would also like to encourage people to discuss results here and in the official awards discord server (after voting closes, so votes aren't influenced).

  • If you want me to comment on your scribbles this year, react to this post with 😂 haha
  • If you want me to comment and also leave constructive criticism and suggestions, react with 😠 angry

Let's start talking to each other again, like we did the first few times this tournament was hosted.
angy for the rest of the tournament but haha 4 this first piece...