What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

tos is good if you like cheesy shows with terrible effects

and they always land on the exact same planet every episode and pretend it's different
on the same subject

i just got back from seeing Star Trek Beyond

being a fan of the last two movies I gotta say this one was quite good as well, not on the level of Into Darkness or Star Trek 2009 maybe but it was pretty good.
Bridge on the River Kwai

I've never watched this before, yet my father is adamant that we watched it together a year ago. More evidence for the Berensteins universe theory, I guess.
Star Trek Into Darkness

wow, i can't believe they made a whole movie out of the opening scene of The Dank Knight Rises

>randomly takes off clothes for literally no reason at all
Avengers: Age of Ultron

I think this movie gets too much hate. Sure, it's not as good as Marvel movies like Guardians of the Galaxy or the Captain America sequels, but it's still a really entertaining movie,
Star Trek Beyond

rip leonard nimoy and anton yelchin

also why do i keep walking into movies and realizing halfway through the idris elba is in them

I've seen this movie like 8 times and I've never noticed how stale maguire's acting was until now
Paul Feig's Ghostbusters

Just goes to show you can't judge a movie until you've seen it. Especially considering that it's directed by a guy with a really good track record.

Monster-In-Law, Captain America:Civil War for the fourth time, George of the Jungle movie, Scott Pilgrim VS The World for about the tenth time in my life, and of course, the Lampoon's Christmas Vacation and Elf. (This was over the course of the last three days lol)
Gulliver's Travels. I hadn't seen it since it was in theaters and it can't even begin to compete with the original novel, but it was still charming.
Zuko said:
Avengers: Age of Ultron

I think this movie gets too much hate. Sure, it's not as good as Marvel movies like Guardians of the Galaxy or the Captain America sequels, but it's still a really entertaining movie,

wait people hate age of ultron? I couldnt help but be impressed with it. Especially ultron and wanda.
It's gotten pretty mixed reception. A lot of people took issue with Ultron not being threatening, too many quips, too much exposition for Infinity War, etc.