A Minecraft Movie


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Thanks to @Nintendo101 for bringing this to my attention on the Mario Wiki Discord channel!

Today (September 4, 2024) a trailer released for an upcoming Minecraft film titled A Minecraft Movie. It is set to release on April 4, 2025. It looks… not how I expected it to look, and I first heard about it today. I hope they make many famous Minecraft references like "I can swing my sword!" and such. More information about it can be found on Wikipedia!

The trailer:
Looks interesting. I think I'll watch it sometime next year on digital and see if it's any good.
this looks absolutely terrible

we're getting a subpar hybrid Minecraft movie but not Coyote vs Acme which is said to be really good by test audiences and the people who made it

between this and Borderlands, it will be miraculous if this doesn't tarnish the video game movie genre's current upward trajectory
Okay, so I've been a massive fan of Minecraft since I was 12, so seeing this thread on the boards was a huge shock to me but when I watched the trailer, I.... it's not looking great to be honest.

Whilst I can respect that the lighting is very beautiful and the blocks and environment look ok, the way that the mobs look feels extremely cursed, as does having live action humans inside a Minecraft world (Jack Black as Steve was a satisfying moment but even then it's still cursed for Steve to be a live action human, and Jack neither looks nor acts like I'd always imagined Steve to besides wearing a blue shirt.) None of the four new human characters besides Steve seem interesting to me at all on first impression. I don't see any semblance of a good plot, and the music in this trailer is just a randomly chosen Beatles song, not any semblance of the multiple masterpieces by Rosenfeld, Raine, etc.

I'm not sure I'd say it's going to be downright terrible, and I'll still probably go see it anyway next year, cause I'm that much of a Minecraft fan, but at this point I'd be surprised if it's anything more than palatable.
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It's time for me to speak my feelings about this film based on the trailer.

This trailer does look kinda cringy; there's no denying that. Real people in the world of Minecraft, which consists of a blocky environment? Kinda bizarre. Jack Black as Steve who looks kinda old (no offense to Jack Black, just pointing out that Steve in the game itself looks younger, which makes for an odd comparison if you have the two side by side like I had above).

But I'm curious about how this movie will turn out. I'm not against it do I side with it; I'm completely neutral. Who knows? Maybe this will turn out to be a decent/pretty good film. Based on the comments, everyone's expectations are very, very low, so there's the potential of the film being "better than expected" when it releases. I think that no matter if it's good or bad, it will still make a lot of money because Minecraft is one of the most popular video games out there.

Commenters also expressed confusion on why it's live-action with CGI instead of being entirely animated. I'll admit I'd prefer for the film to be animated because it would boost the Minecraft vibes. The live-action, like I said might be cringy but what if it's "so bad it's good"? We'll have to see on that.

Interesting how the mobs shown were more modern ones like Piglin. I'm not too familiar with the newer stuff but I wanted to still point this out. At least there was a Creeper in the trailer! That's very iconic for the game because they're such a well known enemy.

I don't know if I'll see this when it releases, but I would like to watch it one day and see for myself.
I'm excited about this but on further reflection of what a lot of you have said I do agree with your points. Personally-well-I didn't watch the trailer but it sounds like it was pretty bad so now knowing what is in it I have to say-probably the only way to make a Minecraft movie the RIGHT way is to have everything made of blocks like in the actual games. Like, if you keep the imagery of the environment and the people and the tools and everything the same as in the games and make it feel just like the games, you probably have a winning combination-Super Mario Movie is one example that proves my point. I wonder if this movie really is going to be a disaster largely from all that I just said-it not LOOKING like Minecraft. Like, Jack Black could be the voice for Steve if they had made it the way I just said.

I animorph into a fat cat capitalist caricature from an American political newspaper of yore.

"Mwahahahaha! I'm the Hollywood executive, making the big bucks is my initiative."

"It ain't intellectual property if it ain't in the hands of a crafty smarty."

"So, I boughts some movie rights to do some wrongs. Went to the record dealers and gots some poppy songs."

"A story? No worries, it doesn't matter, grab the recipe book and the batter, a cookie cutter tale is all we're after."

"Pull some stars to guarantee this movie goes super nova the whole world over. When the box office blows it'll suck in all the dough."

"Now all I have is an empty pocket. "A-hole who sucks", it's what I am to my chasmic depths you had already suspect."

"I'm the Hollywood executive who never makes the big bucks."


I animorph into a fat cat.

"this movie is gonna suck so bad dude."

"i think it'll probably make a lot of money but i can dream."
no but deadass why are they making this film...i don't even wanna call it live-action cuz like it's not, the actors are on greenscreen sets and they're just CGIing everything else. that's not live-action at that point imo.

but anyways why the fuck isn't this film like just full on animation
You know, them having live action in this movie might not be so bad if everything else was animated. Just my opinion. The problem is the Minecraft characters and the scenery and everything don't exactly look like themselves. They look slightly different, and it's-kind of weird. Like, in Minecraft everything is made of squares, but the terrain and the world and everything in this movie aren't. It loses authenticity.
I just noticed that the guy who played Khal Drogo from Game of Thrones is in this movie too.
That's true, although my brain said "Hey that's Aquaman" when I first saw Jason

(Edit: Tridents actually exist in minecraft so it would be an epic nod to Aquaman if Jason Momoa used a trident in the minecraft movie)
Like everyone is saying, this looks really cursed, but its just another grab at money of the most popular game in the world. Bet whatever that Netflix animated series is will be better.

Maybe they're supposed to be the other new default skins on Bedrock? It doesn't make much sense, but it's a theory. A GAME...

And the mobs look... uh... not gonna say anything nice, don't say it.

(This is more private, but my dad, who has never looked at Minecraft in my life, was looking at buying it for the PS4. He said he knew about it's existence since Cave Game, which was a nice surprise)
Maybe they're supposed to be the other new default skins on Bedrock? It doesn't make much sense, but it's a theory. A GAME...
I like Steve and Alex, but I've never cared whatsoever for any of the Minecraft characters introduced after Alex. If it were up to me, Steve and Alex should be the main characters of the movie and the others shouldn't be in it at all.

Based on the looks of things, I'm not sure Alex is even going to be in the movie at all, which is very insulting to me because I actually like her significantly more than Steve.

Anyway, I don't think your theory that the four new humans in the movie are supposed to be the newer Minecraft characters is true. Compare the following two images - even if we assume their outfits can be totally different, I don't think any of the four humans has a Minecraft character who looks like them.


Okay so to add to my previous criticisms I'd also like to say that based on what we've seen it seems very likely that the Piglins are the main villains which I think is a terrible idea for the following reasons

Piglins in minecraft aren't even hostile by default, they only attack if you try to steal from them or attack them (or if you don't wear at least one piece of gold armour). Heck, you can even trade with them for goodies.

Also, Piglins only spawn in the Nether and quickly Zombify if they leave, yet this trailer showed multiple clips with unzombified piglins existing outside of the nether.

The Ghast riding thing is cool but in-game you can't ride ghasts like that and ghasts don't really have anything to do with Piglins. Also, those Piglins would have to be very patient with giant portals and fishing rods because getting ghasts out of the nether is a huge pain lol

If it were up to me I'd definitely have gone for the Illagers as the main villain rather than the Piglins, as they're actually evil by default, including towards friendly villager NPCs whom they're an evil version of. They exist in the overworld where the majority of the game takes place, they have multiple structures dedicated to them which they occupy and guard from the player, they do raids on friendly villages, and they have much more variety in the different kinds of Illager than the Piglins (Vindicator, Evoker, Vex, Illusioner, Pillager with a crossbow. There's also the Ravagers, an intimidating beast who Illagers ride during raids), heck they even have clearly defined Captains which the Piglins don't. That would also have the potential to have a Vindicator called Johnny who is aggressive to everything and everyone, as a reference to the in-game Johnny Vindicator and in turn to The Shining.
One thing's for certain - this movie will get memed to death. Already there are so many jokes against the trailer and people have made videos of the trailer being animated. Below is an example! Viewers have commented "This is what the movie should have looked like" and things like that on this video.