Random Pony Image of the Day


Cute fire pig Pokémon!
Wiki Administrator
Core 'Shroom Staff
Because I do a "Random Scenic Image of the Day" on Discord

This thread will showcase a random pony image every day! The images range from artwork, fanart, screenshots from the show or just whatever I find online. These images will primarily be for the fourth generation, AKA Friendship Is Magic. Obviously, all images will be for all ages! Nothing dark, mature, scary or anything along those lines.

Because there aren't enough ponies yet here… without further ado, let's get started!

December 22, 2024: Today's pony image is a screenshot of the Mane 6 during the "Best Friends Until the End of Time" song from season 7's "All Bottled Up"!
December 23, 2024: Today's random pony image shows the Mane 6 realizing they're trapped inside a screen with weird black boxes floating above them. Pinkie Pie, being Pinkie Pie, has used this to her benefit by breaking the fourth wall!
December 24, 2024: Today's random pony image shows a Ring camera capturing incredible footage of Starlight Glimmer at a front door! You'd let her in… right? Yeah this is totally real.
December 25, 2024: Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! Today's pony image shows the main cast celebrating their version of the holiday - Hearth's Warming! I know this image is my current profile banner but I'm posting it here for posterity.

EDIT: As a bonus, here's a sweet, short video of Muffins celebrating the holiday with her family!
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December 26, 2024: Do you know what Desktop Ponies are? They're pixelated ponies that wander around the desktop screen on your computer! That's what today's scenic image is! I wish I had this feature…
December 27, 2024: Today's pony image is something I made months ago. I edited one of my scenic images to include Trixie and Starlight Glimmer on a stage!
December 28, 2024: Today's pony image shows the Cutie Mark Crusaders trying to answer a math question!
December 29, 2024: Today's pony image is fanart of both Apple Bloom and Pikachu, accompanied by neon lights of them! Did you know Ikue Ōtani, the voice of Pikachu provides Apple Bloom's voice in the Japanese dub?​
December 30, 2024: Today's pony image is a vector of Trixie with Mega Man X's first armor equipped! Today also marks 3 years since I've first played Mega Man X8.
December 31, 2024: Today's pony image shows Apple Bloom in the wonderful world of Super Mario 64!
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@SparksMarioWiki (This is in response to the Desktop Ponies image-had to clarify since the thread put this post below the SM64 mod screeenshot of Applebloom) Somebody on Deviantart also made Desktop Ponies of the main characters from G5 and I have those too. Really well done, but I wish they were in the style of Tell Your Tale.
January 1, 2025: Happy New Year 2025 everyone! Today's pony image is my current profile banner - an image I found depicting the Mane 6 celebrating the new year!
January 2, 2025: Today's pony image shows Pinkie Pie at the Great Wall of China! Fun fact: that ideogram translates to "laugh" or "to laugh".
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January 5, 2025: What's that? Now that I'm 'Shroom Staff means I can't post pony images anymore? Says who? There's always time for ponies!

Anyways, today's pony image shows Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Applejack in a beautiful field! Also Rarity is an alicorn here. How'd that happen?
January 6, 2025: Today's pony image shows drawings of Rarity and Rainbow Dash! However, the artist here seems to be causing trouble for Rainbow… lifting her up by the tail isn't very nice!
January 7, 2025: Today's pony image shows Lyra Heartstrings sitting with a group of construction workers on a girder high above a city! It also has a cool monochrome effect.
January 8, 2025: Today's pony image shows Muffins inside a bubble! That looks fun, right?
January 9, 2025: Today's pony image shows a lot of ponies having a blast at a playground!
January 10, 2025: Today's pony image is an incredible hand drawn GIF of Pinkie Pie excited!
(Spoiler tag because it's a GIF)

January 11, 2025: Have you ever wondered how rainbow clouds are made? Today's pony image shows the stunning truth of how they actually come to be!
January 12, 2025: Today's pony image shows Rainbow Dash admiring a beautiful lake sunset!
January 13, 2025: Today's pony image is dedicated to @Toadettefan because it's her Birthday today! What better way to celebrate it than with Pinkie Pie and balloons at a backyard? I hope you have a fantastic day today!
January 14, 2025: Today's pony image shows Scootaloo singing with Freddie Mercury from the band Queen!