Random Pony Image of the Day

February 3, 2025: Today's pony image shows the Mane 6 (all of which are fillies) enjoying delicious ice cream!
I thought that 80s throwback image was especially cool because of its good message and also because MLP (Generation 1 and the brand itself) came out in the 80s; it came out in 1983. TV show and animated movie came out in 1986.
February 4, 2025: Did you know pumpkin cannons exist? I didn't. Princess Luna is enthusiastic about them though!
February 5, 2025: Look up at the ceiling - it's Muffins! And she made a hole in the roof… but where is she exactly? Is she in YOUR house?!
February 6, 2025: Here we have Rainbow Dash bored out of her mind waiting for a train. Sure she could fly, but why not take it slow every once in a while? This train is too slow however…
February 8, 2025: Sometimes we all just need to escape to nature to feel at peace. Right, Lyra?
February 9, 2025: Today's pony image is a plushie of Twilight Sparkle! I wish I had one…
February 10, 2025: Scootaloo finds herself at a bike rack! Also Muffins is here too.
February 11, 2025: Today's pony image shows a group of friends waiting for you to arrive! This would be awesome if it actually happened in real life…
Today's pony image is a plushie of Twilight Sparkle! I wish I had one…​
If you ever get one, be sure to get one of the 4th Dimension Entertainment officially-licensed-by-Hasbro ones. They are the best quality and aren't bootlegs from China like the one you have pictured. It's cute, but it looks very low-quality. Also they're a bit expensive ($50 or more usually on Ebay) but they're worth it. I think they might be high priced because they're rare. Since they're expensive, you might want to only get one. I'd recommend the Twilight one. Below is one of the ones I have. Wish I had plushes of Zipp and Sunny from G5 but unfortunately they don't sell any here in the US and I can't find any on US-region Ebay. Since they're so expensive, I'd recommend only getting one. Twilight one I think is the best. Plus she's also one of the few FIM characters who is still alive as of MLP G5. Also if you want to get one, you should get one NOW because they will only become more expensive over time.

Have this Twilight one as well as ones of Applejack and Rainbow Dash.

My Twilight Plush.png
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February 14, 2025: Happy Hearts and Hooves Day! Today's pony image shows a scene from the episode named "Hearts and Hooves Day". Love is in the air; just make sure you don't fall victim to a love potion/poison.
February 17, 2025: I have a snow day today, so today's pony image shows Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie (with an OC) playing in the snow!
February 19, 2025: How did the Cutie Mark Crusaders get up on top of that ceiling fan? Hopefully they don't get dizzy/fall off.
February 21, 2025: Bus rides would be more interesting and exciting if ponies were involved!