Guessing the Mario games for 2025


Justice is not limited, it is a universal quality
You thought this topic wouldn't emerge, did you? Previously, there were similar topics for 2020, 2022, 2023, and 2024, which means that we'll continue for as much as we can for 2025! Not much are known for Nintendo's schedule for 2025 since we only know Donkey Kong Country Returns HD will be a January 2025 release, which means there's a lot of room for speculation.

Notably, Nintendo have made a firm announcement that they will announce the Nintendo Switch successor in this fiscal year, which by this point would mean the first three months in 2025. This would inevitably mean that some new Mario or Mario-related games would be announced. What they could be, that remains a mystery, but we might be able to infer what they could be based on how long it has been for a series to not have a new game.

As for the Nintendo Switch, it's very likely that Nintendo wants to continue releasing games even when its successor will be released. After all, they did release 3DS games even after Nintendo Switch was released, such as the two Mario & Luigi remakes. It stands to reason that they might probably want to have a similar strategy during the release of the successor.

My guesses on what's to come next year (or this year if you're reading this in 2025):
  • Successor
    • 3D Mario platformer
    • New game for the Mario Kart series
  • Nintendo Switch
    • New game for the Dr. Mario series (yeah, I know I keep saying this for years. Maybe it would come true this time!)
    • Port of either New Super Mario Bros. 2 or Super Mario 3D Land

Thank you for reading.
With the release of the Nintendo Switch's successor planned for 2025, there will definitely be a new mainline 3D Mario game. Just what exactly?

Man I'd love to play a remaster of 3D Land. That was an awesome game!
Assuming the Switch 2 actually comes out next year I think we'll get a new 3D Mario game. I doubt it'll be Odyssey 2 since it's been so many years since the first one by now, probably something entirely new.

Other than that, who knows! If it's as backwards compatible with the Switch as most people are expecting, I don't expect much of a rush to get new installments in any of the usual spinoffs. Maybe we'll get Mario Kart 9 finally.
They'll probably just churn out another remake or port an older Wii U game or port a Switch game or some shit.
With the rapid releases for the Mario series in the last two years, I'm not expecting too many larger-scale spin-offs to be launching for Switch successor anytime soon. At the very least, no rpg's in 2025. Reports are that Switch games are compatible with the new console anyway, so people can just bring those games forward

Switch 2 does need a system seller, though, and I think a new 3D Mario is obviously prime for that, so I'd expect one around winter quarter 2025, if not sooner. Having your first year without a second Mario game feels unlikely to me, but their eggs are going in the 3D basket, so I'd anticipate another smaller-scale sports spin-off, maybe tennis. If we're getting Mario Kart in year one, there's no way it's anything besides yet another MK8 port. If there is a "larger" spin-off in the works, I'd honestly wager on a Luigi's Mansion 4
Wasn't critical reception that 3D World blows 3D Land out of the water? Why would Nintendo release a 3D Land port after a 3D World port? It'll only lead to disappointment unless it's somehow jam-packed with bonuses.

People already said new Mario kart and new platformer of some kind. I'm adding "Mario Tennis installment".
If we're suggesting another game to receive a future port, I would like to see Mario Golf: World Tour get one. It's considered the best Mario Golf game and it is now unavailable especially the DLC, even though sales-wise it didn't reach the million benchmark. Perhaps this is a game that could get a Deluxe treatment instead of yet another Wii U game (because other consoles deserve to have their games ported too).

Wasn't critical reception that 3D World blows 3D Land out of the water? Why would Nintendo release a 3D Land port after a 3D World port? It'll only lead to disappointment unless it's somehow jam-packed with bonuses.
As 3D Mario is a reliable seller, I believe they'll definitely have an interest in making the game previously on a previous console available in the future. It could take any form, like part of a compilation similar to 3D All-Stars, or a "game + smaller game" like 3D World and the Mario & Luigi remakes did, or maybe an upgraded port similar to Donkey Kong Country Returns or Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. Virtual Console is another option similar to what New Super Mario Bros. got but I doubt they'll go this route with the way things are currently.

Besides, it's not like Luigi's Mansion 3 being the better game disqualifies Luigi's Mansion 2 from seeing the light of day on a future console. Not sure if that game was disappointing but it seems to do well enough as a game in the later years.

Thank you for reading.
I've said this before in the past (and even messaged a Nintendo employee this idea :]), but what if they're planning a Super Mario 3D All Stars 2? This time, it could be 64DS, 3D Land, and Galaxy 2, since none of these have been ported yet. Maybe this time, it won't be limited to a few months of purchase, and be the 40th-anniversary counterpart to the first 3D All-Stars?
a lot of this will potentially come down to what else is going to be launching on the system (good chance of pokemon for the holidays, as well as metroid prime 4 at some point), what they still have planned for release on original switch (and whether or not those will have enhancements on switch 2), and the actual launch window (depending on whether it releases in the first or second half of the year, the difference between "what launches on switch 2 this year" and "what launches on switch 2 during it's first year" can potentially be pretty big), but for my guesses working under an assumption that the switch 2 will be released by maybe may, meaning there is space for both a "launch" title and a "holiday" title to exist separately. i won't make guesses as to what will fit where, but what i think we could likely see:

new mario kart: it's been over 10 years now since mk8 originally released on wii u, and now mk8d has gone on to become the highest selling switch game by a large margin. afaik, we haven't seen any games from this nintendo team as the project lead (although other than arms i'm not really sure what else they do anyway), and there's absolutely no way they haven't been preparing a new mario kart. this is the peak of their "evergreen" software strategy, so i think they'd absolutely want to get it out within the first year on the market to maximise the longevity of the sales (for reference, mk8d still sold one or two million units for the july-sept period, which is more than some of their brand new releases)

new 3d mario (OR something else from EPD8): yeah, its an obvious call to make, but i think this one makes sense a lot as well. although it's not quite as long since a new 3D mario, it's still pretty close, and again there doesn't seem to be much going on from the studio so i'm sure they'll have something ready for the first year. 3d mario is the flagship subseries which usually sets the tone for making new characters and locations which may or may not affect spin-off game rosters, so we know we'll get one sooner or later, and with the zelda team only having finished totk a couple of years ago, it's the most likely pick for a "system seller" that'll be ready for launch (sorry metroid prime 4). that said, there's also a slim chance they're working on something else, as they've done other things like donkey kong jungle beat, but i'm not sure anything other than a 3d mario will really move units, so maybe it would depend on what else is in the pipeline from other studios

gamecube: throwing this one in as a bit of a "bonus", i think maybe we get something gamecube related as well. i'm not willing enough to say that it'll be gamecube added to NSO, although i'm really hoping that will be the case. but if nintendo decides they want to keep milking gamecube games as standard remakes like ttyd and re-releases of the wii re-releases like pikmin 1 and 2, i think they could easily reach into the back catalogue to find something to fill the year out with a bit more mario, particularly as it's the "40th" anniversary next year. maybe one of the sports games or one of the spin-off platformers like wario world and dk:jb. but ideally they just do NSO / virtual console for it so i can finally play gamecube games and also get a wireless gamecube controller
I'm curious what they'll do with 3D Mario adventures..
Odyssey probably getting a successor, will it be the biggest Mario exploration game?
Or perhaps 3D World will get its successor first?

For Odysseys successor, I'd love a single giant island to explore, an island with every terrain as different regions (like Yoshis Island). Main paths connecting all the significant locations, and you can stray off the paths to find secrets.
And of course fast travel enabled of places you've been to.
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Mario Kart makes sense consider 8DX wasn't a new game, so Nintendo team had enough time to make it the first game for NS2. Besides it's a topseller so more DLCs throughout the entire NS2 lifespan is predictable.

For mainline, 3D multiplayer series seems to be the most likely to get a new title at this point before a 3D feature title.

And of course there is DKC which has the biggest need to do a major new release.
I thought for sure that the Wii U was going to have Super Mario Universe, the beautiful first HD game in the Super Mario Galaxy subseries, so i know this just sounds like wishful thinking.

But guys.

It's called the Nintendo Switch 2.

They're finally going to make Super Mario Galaxy 2.