Everyone is Mafia: The Revival (Game Over! Accepting Feedback)

Phase is locked, all actions are in.

Before I post results and phase change I will be messaging players that had their BPVs broken tonight. If you don't get a message from me you are either 1. Dead, or 2. Weren't targeted this phase. A broken BPV means that the next shot taken at you kills you.

- The Chicken is dead! It was Boo1268 wearing a rubber glove as a costume!
- Ishmael is dead! It was TPG on a whale cruise!
- Angry Video Game Nerd is dead! It was Cocoa giving reviews of bad video games!
- The three members of the band AJR as a collective hivemind is dead! It was InsaneBlathers trying not to get caught!

Ray Wilmakers
Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius
Lyra Heartstrings
R.R. Slugger
Mr. Cheeseburger
Robbie Williams
Canned Bread
definitely not insane blathers

@Lee Chaolan
@Wally The Baby Rhinoceros
@Toka Hebizuka
@Nathan Fielder
@Hooded Pitohui
@Waluigi Time
@Power Flotzo
@Fun With Despair

It is now NIGHT 2. Send me your actions. If you didn't get a message about a broken BPV congrats you still have yours. You have 24 hours from the time this post goes up! If all actions are in sooner I will end the phase sooner.

Wally is scared due to the Chicken being seated on its back when it was killed and starts crying out of fear of being targeted next.
LEGO Neko Hatsune Miku.png

Hello, everyone! I heard everyone talking about "Role playing" so I decided to do some myself. Can you guess who I am? That's right! I'm LEGO® Neko Hatsune Miku! Hee hee! But oh no! Some mean people have been killing others, which means they can't have fun together with us anymore. That's not good! Please stop killing each other!

Today's song is M@GICAL CURE! LOVE SHOT by SAWTOWNE. Don't worry, everyone, LEGO® Neko Hatsune Miku will fight for you!


- Lyra Heartstrings is dead! It was Revin who has now made Sparks very sad!
- Buffaloman is dead! It was Superchao escaping death by a thread last round, only for it to claim him anyways!
- Photobucket is dead! It was Hooded Pitohui basking in the presence of glorious watermarked images from 2007!
- Daksu is dead! It was Power Flotzo quizzing us all!
- RoboKoop is dead! It was DryBonesBandit in a metal suit!
- definitely not insane blathers is dead! It was Fun With Despair in a trenchcoat and funny glasses!

Ray Wilmakers
Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius
R.R. Slugger
Mr. Cheeseburger
Robbie Williams
Canned Bread

@Lee Chaolan
@Wally The Baby Rhinoceros
@Toka Hebizuka
@Nathan Fielder
@Waluigi Time

Let's make things interesting this time... Half of the players living still have their BPVs. Do what you will with this information ^^

It is now NIGHT 3. Send me your actions. If you still didn't get a message about a broken BPV then congrats because you are one lucky son of a gun. You have 24 hours from the time this post goes up! If all actions are in sooner I will end the phase sooner.

Heh! Couldn't take out ol' Ernest.

Say, mind if I say something? We're all in a pretty precarious situation here, but it's always important to know when to take a step back. Sometimes the "Mafia" in your life isn't a man with a gun, but a mental block that stops you from achieving your best you.

Here's some of Ernest Borgnine's Top Tips for Mental Wellness:

1) Stop what you're doing and take a deep breath. Unless you're already taking a deep breath, that is!

2) Download the Ernest Borgnine App and agree to share all personal data.

3) Drink a glass of water from time to time. Did you know I played Mermaid Man in SpongeBob Squarepants, and he lived underwater? But he was, like, a normal guy? That's crazy!

Wally is impressed to have survived this long into the game and so continues to go about its business of being a late 1980s anime character.

- Mr. Cheeseburger has died! It was Ninelevendo providing us with a tasty meal!
- Ray Wilmakers has died! It was ClawgripFan9001 hiding a true animator's passion!
- R.R. Slugger has died! It was Shy Guy on Wheels making Lego videos!

Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius
Robbie Williams
Canned Bread

@Nathan Fielder
@Waluigi Time

This is truly anyone's game but could very quickly become no one's game. Would it be accurate to call this Sudden Death...?

It is now NIGHT 4. Send me your actions. You have 24 hours from the time this post goes up! If all actions are in sooner I will end the phase sooner.