Oh yeah, hosting my first forum game! 

Welcome to the hide and seek competition!
This is a fun idea I just came up with! In this game, players will play 3 games of hide and seek, with one person being the seeker.
Here's how this all works:
Here's how this all works:
- Players sign up to play the game. It doesn't matter how many do as long as it's more than one person. Sign ups are available until 00:01 March 2. The game will start immediately after signups close. In other words, Day one of the hide and seek competition is at 00:01 GMT March 2.
- Of the participants that sign up, one of them will be the seeker. To make it fair, I will add all players to a wheel and then spin it. Whoever it lands on will be the seeker. Everyone else will be hiders.
- The hiders and seeker will not be revealed to the public until after the game ends.
- Each day, the hiders will choose a room to hide in this house. More than one person can choose the same room. It doesn't matter how many players hide in one room. At 00:01 GMT, I will announce what happened in the day. If the seeker chooses a room where hiders are, they are eliminated from the game. Additionally, the room the seeker chooses is removed and becomes unavailable for the rest of the game.
- This game is played throughout 3 days, one game of hide and seek per day. To choose a room, please send me a PM about where you will hide/search before 00:01 GMT! If you don't PM me before then, you'll be eliminated. If the seeker doesn't PM me, I will have to replace them using the wheel.
- I will keep track of everything and will post the progress of the entire game at the very end. After each day I will post the results of the day and who got eliminated.
- Please do not PM each other/cheat! This is supposed to be a game of surprise.
- Remember to have fun! This is nothing serious and only a game.
The rooms to choose from are:
- Living Room
- Kitchen
- Bathroom
- Bedroom
The list of participants (will be updated):
- @Arc
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