
The Cardinal is dead -- long live The Cardinal!
I hate those guys. But since I don't feel like typing up a huge rambling rant, I'll let Michael Swaim do it for me.

Rant 1
Rant 2
I hate them too. They take things overboard. Sure animals that are pets should be protected, but things like edible fish (not the endangered ones) shouldn't. I mean come on, they were ment to be food.
I support animal welfare, meaning that I'm okay with stuff like eating meat as long as the animal was treated well.
King Dedede said:
I support animal welfare, meaning that I'm okay with stuff like eating meat as long as the animal was treated well.
I do too, however I don't consider the animal being shot during hunting inaniumane. (Yes I just made that word up, the word "inhumane" should probily only aply to people)
I got to say, at least they have their heads on straight when it comes to euthanasia. It's probably the only issue they have a realistic, sane outlook on.

And back to the madness:
Wikipedia said:
As part of an effort to reduce milk consumption, PETA created the "Got Beer?" campaign, a parody of the Got Milk? campaign. The advertisements urged college students to "wipe off those milk moustaches and replace them with. . . foam."
I'm at a loss for words right now.

Wikipedia said:
A new campaign attempted to place advertisements in highschool newspapers and printed trading cards claiming that dairy products caused acne, obesity, heart disease, cancer, and strokes.
How the hell are they allowed to get away with stuff like that? That's beyond annoying, they're just straight out lying to children because it's convenient.

Wikipedia said:
PETA regularly asks towns and cities to change their names. In April 2003, they offered free veggie burgers to the city of Hamburg, New York, in exchange for changing its name to Veggieburg.
Yeah right, who would want a veggie burger?

Wikipedia said:
It campaigned in 1996 to have the town of Fishkill, New York, change its name, claiming the name suggests cruelty to fish. (The root "kill", found in many New York town names, is Dutch for "creek.")
I love how they don't even bother to research anything. They just see the word kill and jump on in.

Wikipedia said:
In 2007, the group asked Commerce City, Colorado to change its name to
Now that's just silly, naming a town after a propaganda website. Any semblance of sanity PETA once had has flown out the window.

Wikipedia said:
In October 2008, PETA launched the "Save the Sea Kittens" campaign, calling fish "sea kittens" in an attempt to give them a positive image.
That's actually my favorite one of their ridiculous movements. In retaliation I've started the "Eat the Food" campaign, where I've renamed every fish Food.

And of course, my favorite PETA related quote:
Swaim said:
seeing them bend sane discourse over a barrel of hydroponically-grown wheat germ makes me feel like going out and punching a cow in the head on principle.
SG27 has just MST'd PETA and kicked they're asses through a computer. You are a true hero, SG. I wish I had some kinda medal.

PETA is pretty dumb, the seem to lack common sense, aren't they against killing misquitos and other bugs? They seem to be kinda like a cult who is blindly thinking they can change things for the better by making themselves look stupid.
The funniest thing about Peta is how they expect other carnivore animals (like cats) to support an all-vegetarian diet.

They kill most of the animals they rescue, even healthy ones they could easily get homes for.

And that so they can use the bodies as protest signs.
Glowsquid said:
They kill most of the animals they rescue, even healthy ones they could easily get homes for.

And that so they can use the bodies as protest signs.
We need a picture of that, anybody have Photo Shop?
Ramblin' Evil Mushroom said:
I've got one step better.

Per, but not the "I don't condone this part".

P.S. The URL says they are rabbits, I remember saying they were fish in another thread.
Yeah, I originally thought they were fish, but on second thought they look more like rabbits.
Jigglypuff said:
PETA should be classified as a terrorist organization.
Yeah, it should -_-
Wow. Thats insane. What they do. I mean, I saw posters saying "Animals are born into slavery. They are ruthlessly murdered." I mean come on!
1. Ummmmmm....... animals are'nt put on this earth to live happily with one another! I mean, its natural instint to eat animals, and they are important for our diet. Wow, i sound like a nutritionist....
2. Open your eyes! Animals are dieing... yeah.... WHAT ABOUT HUMANS! ugh..............
Giygas said:
Wow. Thats insane. What they do. I mean, I saw posters saying "Animals are born into slavery. They are ruthlessly murdered." I mean come on!
1. Ummmmmm....... animals are'nt put on this earth to live happily with one another! I mean, its natural instint to eat animals, and they are important for our diet. Wow, i sound like a nutritionist....
2. Open your eyes! Animals are dieing... yeah.... WHAT ABOUT HUMANS! ugh..............

1. I think they are referring to our "exaggerated" "murder" of the animals. And no, animals don't have to be important for their diet. *points towards vegans*
2. The general idea is that humans have it a lot better than animals. Well, there's differences between humans and humans. *points towards Africa*
I don't at all agree with PETA, but I have to admit I am a huge fan of their marketing. Their flash games are fun, and they have girls running around wearing vegetables.