Rate the User above avatar!


Bad recolor.

PaperStriker said:
Smiddle said:
( 2 ( 0.125 * 2 ) + 5 ( 2.2 / 2 ) ) / 10
That's 10.5.
And you don't need the outer brackets.

No, that is 0.6 = 6 / 10.

And the outer brackets are needed, because

2 ( 0.125 * 2 ) + 5 ( 2.2 / 2 ) / 10 is equal to 2 ( 0.125 * 2 ) + ( 5 ( 2.2 / 2 ) ) / 10 ) and is not equal to ( 2 ( 0.125 * 2 ) + 5 ( 2.2 / 2 ) ) / 10.

Reason I posted a math thingy was because I was boared.

Sonic FTL(my opinion)
I rate 9.5, I fee sorry for the yellow shirt guy.

And about the brackets thing up there, you don't put a () inside other () inside the () there is [] and inside [] there is {}, ([{}])