Rate the User above avatar!

5/10 Meat Knight from the Kirby show. The one where he has a sword, there are rays coming from him, and the background is pinkish-bluish.

Would've given it higher if the proportions weren't stretched.

It's fine, but I don't recognize who that is.
I don't recognize Eri Ayase.

meh its alright the wording was implying (to me at least) that you didnt know who the character in my avatar was though
6/10 Meh, not a fan of Five Nights.

It's way too cluttered, and it has no theme. It looks like some random pics just thrown in for no good reason. Either go with a rotating avatar, or choose one theme and stick with it.
RandomYoshi said:

It's way too cluttered, and it has no theme. It looks like some random pics just thrown in for no good reason. Either go with a rotating avatar, or choose one theme and stick with it.
Uh, actually, it does have a theme. There is one thing in common with all of this stuff in the picture, and it's that they all originated from Mario Party (and I've been Mario Party X, Mario Party Sigma, and this one, Mario Party Delta). Every Mario Party has at least one picture originating from it, most playable characters are thrown in, and the clutter is intentional because it's a really dang good party.

Also, my signature that was designed to go with it (not this one at the time being) has the same theme to it.

I'd rather be different and have a colorful mess of characters for a picture rather than the typical one person's face.

So, no, your advice is useless to me.
7/10 Neat, Luxray. I don't see anything wrong with this one.
10/10 Just killed Wario for me earlier.