Rate the User above avatar!


3/10 its just a pokemon man with a hat
I have a new avatar that was made by a good friend of mine. Hope everyone likes it~!

oh, and 10/10 (I dont normally give out 10s, but I like the sparklies!)
Marstar2000 said:
I have moar posts than you

lolwat, did I just get voted down because I had less posts than someone?

8.5/10 for the Monocle and pokeball chest. (This is a high rating from me, I dont normally give out ratings above 7s or 8s, because that makes the higher numbers mean more.)

===edit, i'm sorry, I didnt notice the top hat at first===
I am so tired of this Christmas theme.
And I thought 24/7 music, advertisements, and overdoses of Christmas lights was enough.
GLaDOS said:
I am so tired of this Christmas theme.
And I thought 24/7 music, advertisements, and overdoses of Christmas lights was enough.

Well, please don't ruin it for everyone else.

A rock??!
