Have you ever cried during a video game??

In the first Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game, where the hero and the partner are chased out of town.

I reached the point where for the next few days, I refused to go into my room (where I was playing the game).
I've never actually cried over a video game, but the closest I've come was the ending on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon 2.
I had, at the end of Paper Mario. Then "The End" appeared on screen and that music started playing, I was just so moved by it...

It's such a great game, I love it dearly.
Smashgoom202 said:
I had, at the end of Paper Mario. Then "The End" appeared on screen and that music started playing, I was just so moved by it...

It's such a great game, I love it dearly.
Oh yeah, I was really bummed it didn't have continuos gameplay. I got emotional, didn't know if I cried.
The 26th time I died in Ghosts 'N' Goblins.
Almost did after the end of Chapter 5-4 in SPM.

Never actually did cry, though.
When I was younger and less mature, I would often get really mad and sometimes I would cry after failing to do a certain part of a game. It happened so many times that I'm unsure how many.
teamxxbowser said:
Never cried during a video game. haha. Who ever has needs more self-control :D

--teamxxbowser. :bowser:
Not really. Sometimes when people play certain games (mainly RPG's), they can get attached to the characters and thier feelings. If something sad happens (e.g. the character dies and triggers emotional dialogue) it can make you cry. Just like sad movies.