The worst video game ever?

On the topic of Spirit Tracks, how do you get past Gloor one of the snow temple!!!!!
The worst video game ever? Sonic Genesis, the Game Boy Advance port of Sonic 1. I'll let the video speak for itself.
King Porky said:
Oh so the music is dumbed down and you hate it?
No, I was referring to the gameplay physics. They were just downright terrible, and nowhere near close to how they should have been. I don't know what they were thinking to release that buggy, incomplete mess on store shelves, thinking that people would be satisfied with that garbage, and this is coming from someone's who's defended that game in the past. That was, of course, befored I tried it out myself. It may not look too bad at first from what's seen in the video footage, but once you play it for yourself, you'll see what I mean.

As for Somari, I'd even take THAT over Sonic Genesis any day of the week. This is how Sonic Genesis should have played. You know, it's pretty sad how a single person was able to do something that an entire team of programmers couldn't do.
Enker said:
As for Somari, I'd even take THAT over Sonic Genesis any day of the week.
No. No you wouldn't, but by all means, go download and try Somari.
I've played Somari before. As strange as this may sound, I actually found THAT more enjoyable to play than Sonic Genesis.
Never played SuperMan64 or saw, but I heard that it is BAD.

In fact it's so awful, if you try to look up the word "bad" and its synonyms in the dictionary, you'd see "Super Man 64" for its definition. I guess even this is an understatement.

Most movie-based or TV-show video games are so bleh. Those people making those games are greedy, selfish, lazy, money-grubbing morons.

I said MOST movie-based or TV-show-based video games, not all though.
The "E.T. the Extra Terrestrial" video game on Atari is considered to be the worst video game ever made, but I've never played it.
I downloaded a ROM and played it with a few friends and it's pretty bad. I wouldn't say it's the worst game ever, but it's up there (down there?).
King Porky said:
I downloaded a ROM and played it with a few friends and it's pretty bad. I wouldn't say it's the worst game ever, but it's up there (down there?).
Computer ROM? Would it work on an IPad?
No because things made by Apple are silly and don't work with anything.
King Porky said:
No because things made by Apple are silly and don't work with anything.

Not to mention, overpriced.

Anyway, I heard that E.T. was pretty bad. I'm so glad I never played it.
Never heard of E.T., so I don't know what it's all about. ???
Those four words are probably enough to describe it. It's a movie video-game too, just like Superman 64 :P
unit4545 said:
Steven Spielberg failed the video game industry...

For a second there, I thought you were talking about Boom Blox...