The worst video game ever?

... I liked Zelda two.

On topic, there aren't a lot of video games I don't like. Maybe Donkey kong king of swing??
I thought Zelda 2 was a piece of crap, as well, but not King of Swing. I thought that game was awesome.

Anyway, as for me, I'll add Earthbound to the list. That game has some of the most boring, mediocre gameplay I've ever witnessed. Why that game gets the hype it does, I'll never know. I've never played Earthbound Zero or the third one either, but from the gameplay videos I've seen on Youtube, I'm pretty sure the two of them are just as bad.
There was a very old (1986) arcade racing game called "Power Drive" by Midway that was really bad: All there is to do is mash a button to get to the finish line.

I lol at anyone who says thing like Zelda 2 or King of Swing. Those may be not all that great but they're still technically competent and have something of a fanbase. Can the same thing be said for Superman 64 or Legend of Success joe?
Glowsquid said:
There was a very old (1986) arcade racing game called "Power Drive" by Midway that was really bad: All there is to do is mash a button to get to the finish line.

I lol at anyone who says thing like Zelda 2 or King of Swing. Those may be not all that great but they're still technically competent and have something of a fanbase. Can the same thing be said for Superman 64 or Legend of Success joe?
No one has played Superman 64 or Legend of Success Joe.
Piraka Wario said:
Glowsquid said:
There was a very old (1986) arcade racing game called "Power Drive" by Midway that was really bad: All there is to do is mash a button to get to the finish line.

I lol at anyone who says thing like Zelda 2 or King of Swing. Those may be not all that great but they're still technically competent and have something of a fanbase. Can the same thing be said for Superman 64 or Legend of Success joe?
No one has played Superman 64 or Legend of Success Joe.
Dude Superman 64 and Legend of Success Joe are epic.

I think the worst game I ever played was some dumb shit called Super Mario World or something. You were basically this Italian stereotype and you rode a crappy green dinosaur that didn't look like one.

It was shit.
SolarBlaze said:
...You're joking, right?
He always is, he is the son of Uniju. :P

Razor: Freestyle Scooter for the GBA, it's a really crappy Tony Hawk rip-off.
Herr Shyguy said:
Earthbound Zero sucks, but the other two are awesome.
From what I've seen, the gameplay is exactly the same in all three of them. So, they're all garbage in my opinion.
SolarBlaze said:
Herr Shyguy said:
Earthbound Zero sucks, but the other two are awesome.
From what I've seen, the gameplay is exactly the same in all three of them. So, they're all garbage in my opinion.
The battle layout is drasticly different in 2 and 3 then in EB0, so you must not of seen that much. :P
Jeff said:
SolarBlaze said:
Herr Shyguy said:
Earthbound Zero sucks, but the other two are awesome.
From what I've seen, the gameplay is exactly the same in all three of them. So, they're all garbage in my opinion.
The battle layout is drasticly different in 2 and 3 then in EB0, so you must not of seen that much. :P
Not to mention EB0's hellish encounter rate.
Jeff said:
SolarBlaze said:
...You're joking, right?
He always is, he is the son of Uniju. :P
And yet somehow, I am always completely serious.
Your argument is invalid.
Rayman Raving Rabbids TV Party DS comes to mind. Although, I like the Wii one.
Vile said:
Princess Jigglypuff said:
Booman said:
Any Sonic Game.
<br *bleep*.
They're not all bad, just the bad tends to outweigh the good, imo.

Or maybe the broken fanbase and general tendency to under appreciate those games may have something to do with it.

On topic- Big Rigs. You can´t defend this game and you know it.
Easmo said:
Vile said:
Princess Jigglypuff said:
Booman said:
Any Sonic Game.
<br *bleep*.
They're not all bad, just the bad tends to outweigh the good, imo.
Or maybe the broken fanbase and general tendency to under appreciate those games may have something to do with it.
Don't forget the almost all the recent ones sucked. :P

'Easmo' said:
On topic- Big Rigs. You can´t defend this game and you know it.
I forget what game that is.
Glowsquid said:
On topic- Big Rigs. You can´t defend this game and you know it.

How dare you! I'm a proud RIGIST you know!
Are you sure? Did you ever fight in the Gamespot War?

I've played a couple really bad games, most of them were third party games with Disney charcters and Nick charcters. (the Sponge Bob ones were surprisingly quite good) Disney had the most crappy ones.
Ugozima's Slave said:
Don't forget the almost all the recent ones sucked. :P

Not trying to start a fanboy war but Sonic 06, and maybe if we count shadow the hedgehog and secret rings as sucky games... that´s 3 "bad" games. That´s not what you could call "almost all of them". Sure there are controversial opinions about some games with new formulas like unleashed and black knight (I myself don´t like the "keep the boost button pressed until a QTE pops up" gameplay style of unleashed in the 360 version) but it´s like when people argue about how they like or dislike a certain entry of the mario kart games, to name an example... you can prefer MKWii´s frenetic races and item ratio or the more skill oriented 2-d MK games but they are all good. Except that the Sonic fanbase argues about every little aspect, and the fact that there are a lot of people biased against Sonic doesn´t help either.