What did you last watch on TV?

Super Smash Misty said:
Marilith said:
The finally of the Amazing Race.
I don't think finally is a noun.
oh wait you edited it
My mind was elsewhere.
I haven't watched TV in a little over 2 months. The last thing I heard in that time were bits and pieces of "The Price is Right". Watching TV and hearing TV are two different things.
Mario4Ever said:

It's unbelievable that this is just the start of a plan by the Tribune Company to split WGN America and the Chicago-region over-the-air WGN signal itself-just like what was done to the TBS cable channel and what is now WPCH in Atlanta.

I sure do miss these occasional occasions where I went on WGN America at 10:00 PM Detroit-region time and watched stories of crimes and such occurring in and around a city larger than Detroit that was only 250 miles away. However, I heard that WGN America was the only channel in the US to show a certain state's lottery drawings to a national audience-is that still the case?

But there's always the website of the Chicago WGN station and their newscast streams, which are shown intact (minus sports reports) across all seven continents...yes, even in Canada, the UK, the Netherlands, Germany and Australia.