I haven't seen this show in years, but my older sister went ahead and spoiled me on some late-series plot twists. They sounded...pretty awesome to say the least, so now I'm trying to catch up before the finale comes out in March, so I can actually understand them. Just finished Season 1, and man...Varian is my new all-time favorite Disney character.
been watching a bit of MLP:FiM recently hence my theme kinda being a repeat of the Sweetie Belle theme even though that was pretty recent. the episodes i've watched heavily featured the CMS and i like all three of those characters, but i like others too like fluttershy and applejack
Turns there's out there's actually quite a few episodes available on-demand with Comcast (although they're classified as 'for girls' for some reason) so I watched a few of them while eating some popcorn and man Alec Baldwin sucked as narrator, especially series 6, he didn't even bother to do voices for half the characters anymore. This is why whenever I watch episodes online, I go for the George Carlin narrations for series 1 - 4 (cause he was what I grew up with) and after that switch over to the UK versions of the episodes.
Just started watching Raised by Wolves. Not sure what I make of the first episode; a little strange but glad I can binge watch 9 more episodes to see how it plays out.