
Lario said:
the toilet.

When I buried myself alive I...

Saw :twisted:

the suns gets its light from...
..light bulb.

Light bulbs come from...
Lario said:

I saw a...

A lgith bulb

we're talking about light bulbs cause...
YellowYoshi398 said:
...a light bulb told us to.

Light bulbs are...

Bill Gate's eternal power

Light bulbs break cause...
YellowYoshi398 said:
...they're Bill Gates's eternal power and therefore do a lot of things Xboxes do.

Luvbi is...

a light bulb with a side of hot sauce.

Light bulbs were created not by man but by...
Lario said:
you said so.

Mario Wiki vs...

Wariowiki, mariowiki pwn'd
Lario broke the chain of light bulb talk because... said Luvbi is a lightbulb, and she's actually a SPOILERSPOILERSPOILERSPOILER.

I gave so many spoiler warnings, but I never actually told what Luvbi is because...
And got confused because :lakitu: is a noun, not a verb.

The potato decided to...

Very few people know we have a goomba smiley!