
he saw his friend naked and killed him and became twisted.

:bobomb: explode because
...that is his only purpose in life.

Brawl will be delayed the following amount of times:

Alot of people have thay king boo qoute in there siqnatures because
he was hungry and couldn't eat so he died

is on you

Tubabluba doesn't rly know how Soviet Russia jokes go because... (They only go like "In Soviet Russia, article edits YOU" not like someone is sleeping while they're just awake)
he can't think of good ones

In soviet Russia......
...Jokes are stupid.

I am cry because...
love nappies

The fat yoshi....
is thin.

Ness and Lucas are...

SMG stands for
Three words that begin with S, M and G.

Own, pwn, iwn, kwn, lwn, 9wn and 0wn...
are not cake.

Waffles and pie are...

Lario puts "kill Jr." every sentence because...