S Smiddle Power Star Aug 7, 2008 #1,351 ...is an adjective that can't describe you, dear reader. Krust the Klown sez...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Aug 11, 2008 #1,352 ...that he's KRUTEEZ. is so evil that...
Shadow Queen Fear the Power of the Shadow Queen! Aug 11, 2008 #1,353 he can't keep his monicle up Peach has a tendancy to...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Aug 15, 2008 #1,354 ...make an attempt to kill Baby Daisy. I...
Garlic Man Name-change free since 2018 Aug 15, 2008 #1,356 ...ME! This land is your land, this land is...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Aug 15, 2008 #1,357 ...ALSo your land. RAWR. What'd you doin' Mr...
NeuralPsychosis Chain Chomp Aug 15, 2008 #1,358 ...Anderson, in my backyard? Perhaps it is best then, that you don't...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Aug 15, 2008 #1,359 ...destroy Pancakes? One day, Smiddle was obsessed with Pancakes...
S Smiddle Power Star Aug 16, 2008 #1,360 ...and Hell coincidentically froze that same day. Beebee Weegee...
S Smiddle Power Star Aug 20, 2008 #1,362 ...Conan beat him. If there were fifty eight differend brands of vegetarian apples...
ParaBob-omb I'm da BOMB!!!!!! Aug 28, 2008 #1,363 The Chaos Emeralds would disapear. Sonic tried to beat knuckles...
S Smiddle Power Star Sep 5, 2008 #1,365 ...whatever a Spiderpig does. Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg. Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes, it's a...
...whatever a Spiderpig does. Life is like a hurricane here in Duckburg. Racecars, lasers, aeroplanes, it's a...
PaperStriker I propose for the location going here. Sep 6, 2008 #1,366 ...cup of tea on the piece of cake - or should I better say "pie of cake" so that we have a bunch of lies. Insanity...
...cup of tea on the piece of cake - or should I better say "pie of cake" so that we have a bunch of lies. Insanity...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Sep 6, 2008 #1,367 ...is everywhere. (Points to Kool Koopa yelling he's a fan of MArio and wants to kill him at the same time.) This is not...
...is everywhere. (Points to Kool Koopa yelling he's a fan of MArio and wants to kill him at the same time.) This is not...
S Smiddle Power Star Sep 6, 2008 #1,368 ...fifty-two Frenchmen. Morphine makes the holy known, Uncle Lina. Eyein' up, down that sappy nun...
PaperStriker I propose for the location going here. Sep 7, 2008 #1,369 ...-chuck. Finally, roasting toasting toast-eaters toasted and roasted...
L Lario Seems so long ago. Pronouns he/him Sep 7, 2008 #1,371 ...tells the Toilet "Flush, or else you will DIE." I'm...
PaperStriker I propose for the location going here. Sep 8, 2008 #1,372 ...jealous of the genius PS is. I'm...
EctoBiologist Best cat themed touhou. I love touhou and DR. Banned User Sep 9, 2008 #1,374 ... and he ate the wayonaise. yoshi kid is so cool because...
PaperStriker I propose for the location going here. Sep 10, 2008 #1,375 ...his hidden identity is the one and only, unbelievable... er, I forgot. His hidden idetity is the one and only, unbelievable...
...his hidden identity is the one and only, unbelievable... er, I forgot. His hidden idetity is the one and only, unbelievable...