The last thing you bought

Mario Kart 8 and Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm 2

To be specific, I pre-ordered MK8 and got the 'essentials' edition of NUNS2 (Nuns 2: Nuns Harder) because it was the only one in stock.
last remnant from steam

then it shows me i need a 360 controller to play it unless i want to figure out what button does what
The B-52's - The B-52's
I went to Barnes and Nobles and bought:
-A Dance With Dragons by George R R Martin, book five of A Song of Ice and Fire series (AKA, A Game of Thrones series)
-Some Minecraft guide for my little brother about red dust or something like that, because I am a good sibling.
-The card game Fluxx which is incredibly fun, and I have searching for it for years.
Kirby TD on Amazon, will arrive at May 5, I don't need it right now

Wii U screen protector, I failed to put 3 different protectors on it, 4th time the charm

3 months of PS Plus
Some long shorts, some shirts and two pairs of sunglasses that improve sexiness by tenfold.
6 bottles of gatorade, a roll of bubble wrap that's like 25 ft long, and a Pikachu pillow pet since apparently I can't a Miku plushy

probably not gonna get this much shit again for awhile since my allowance is getting severely cut next week lol