The last thing you bought

i get it

ddd ddd
£30 Nintendo eShop card + £5 Steam Wallet card

Galacta Knight said:
Lyn said:
Hmm...(yes, I know it means "and").
Oh pfft, the Spanish seeps through.

Though you of all people should know, anyway.

Eri Ayase said:
i get it

ddd ddd
Man, Nintendo seems to love their D.

Kyon said:
Puzzle & Dragons Z + Mario Bros. Edition
Oh you probably just ordered this, actually.

I'm smart.
Once everything is moved to a bigger SD card (which is pretty much right now) I'm downloading Kid Icarus Uprising.

EDIT: And it's downloading now
20 euro steam card, to buy low-tier stranges for tf2

-Strange Invis Watch
-Strange Holiday Punch
-Strange Rescue Ranger
-Strange Festive Revolver
-Strange Loch n'Load
-Strange Mutated Milk
-Strange Powerjack

and I bought foil Binding of Isaac: Rebirth cards cos why not.
an original xbox. Mine is bricked (likely due to the notoriously shitty capacitor) and I really wanted to play panzer dragoon orta and mechassault again.
Glowsquid said:
an original xbox. Mine is bricked (likely due to the notoriously shitty capacitor) and I really wanted to play panzer dragoon orta and mechassault again.

I feel sad for you.
Glitchy said:
Why? He just got a new Xbox so he can finally play those games again.

Yeah but I was showing sympathy towards how he felt towards his dead Xbox original.
Kirby and the Rainbow Curse
A Wii U.

Here is the unboxing footage I recorded if you want to see me unbox it.

Excuse my younger brother who was making noises. My young sister was recording it for me.
