The last thing you bought

Avatar: The Last Airbender Book 3(finally have the whole series now), Scott Pilgrim vs. The World, and Christine by Stephen King.
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest. guess it was about time.

and a couple other games, ive been spending a little recklessly lately. i guess its not a problem while i can still afford to do so, should probably curb it soon though.
Ys I & II Chronicles+

I opened the confiugration thing for Ys 1 and a random ass anime girl popped up on my screen and scared the absolute shit out of me.
A long time ago I bought a Perfect Dark cartridge for 2.24

I'm not bragging, it's just the least amount of money I've spent on a game. The most I've spent is 100 dollars, and that was for Mario Party 3.
Lakituthequick said:
A Chromecast.

Neat thing.


I use this for work, it's really convenient.

Three games of bowling for ten bucks. Preceded to bowl my highest three game total ever, that being a 336. 122-108-106.

I think I'll just go in release order, so it'll be something like 1->2->6->3->0->7->4->8 because of the remakes and stuff. It follows the gameplay as it evolves since story-wise the games are seperate besides 1, 2 and Origin being the prequel to those two.

I don't even know if this'll work, my laptop can be real iffy with 3d games.