Commercials you hate

Mecha-Drago said:
the Pokemon card commercials mildly annoy me because they always pronounce the names wrong :[
Those use the official pronouncations. Apparently Nintendo says things differently then they look. :P
Those Tony Hawk bike ads are stupid. :mad:
Basically all the commercials in the kids' channels, especially Disney. It's absolutely obnoxious how they flaunt their money by advertizing nothing but their horrible shows and teeny-bopper heart throbs. THe infomercials don't bother me as much; they actually entertain me pretty well xD

I love that one Amazon kindle commercial though, with that woman on the 'stage' pretending to be things like a pilot, hunter, on a bike, etc...It makes me feel so happy :)
Three words:


I love it and hate it at the same time. ;_;
'K so there's this commercial for Subway, and it has these businessmen on lunch break trying to trade their food for this one guy's sub. They're bubbed over with little kids speaking. It doesn't sound too bad, but there's this one line where this old guy looks directly at you, and with a little kids voice says "I got pudding." It's creepy for some odd reason.
This PETA commercial. Woman in a bikini, hugging vegetables. She steps into a hot tub. Screen says, "STUDIES SHOW VEGETARIANS HAVE BETTER SEX."

Reversinator said:
Those commercials about brocoli that call it "The Miracle Food". God those commercials are stupid.
Well, it's a vegetable that doesn't suck. That's an accomplishment.
Yes, but that doesn't make broccoli any less impressive.
Of course.

Back on topic: Commercials that use music I don't like are not enjoyable.
I hate those Progressive commercials with Flo.
Most Bud Light commercials attempt to be funny but fail. (And some are even racist)
I forget what the commercial was promoting but I remember a commercial where some Chinese people are cleaning up money on the groud like it was garbage, and another where a black person throws a bag full of money into a garbage truck.

Racist idiots.