
Wayoshi said:
How about a wiki about wikis? :-p
It's been done. Looking more for video game series, that kind of thing. An alternative to people wanting to cram non-Mario stuff into this wiki, perhaps.
Why would we even start a new wiki anyway? is the site where there's the wiki about Wikis.
Paper Jorge said:
Why would we even start a new wiki anyway?
Well I've always had the idea.

My main reasoning right now regards the server. As I'm sure you've noticed, the site's been going down often. In order to upgrade the server we need more money coming in. The more wikis setup, the more ad revenue and donations would come in from the new sites. If you're thinking that if we host more wikis then we would just need to upgrade again, that wouldn't really be an issue. Once we jump to the next upgrade, the server will be able to handle a ton more than it can now. The only difficulty would be that we would have to host the new wikis on the current server for some time until we can tell that the new wikis are getting popular enough to rely on their ads/community.

So that's why I'm proposing the idea to see if people have ideas for wikis. Preferably on popular things that haven't been covered yet. Yeah.
How about "spin-off" wikis to the Mario Wiki? Donkey Kong Wiki, Banjo-Kazooie Wiki. With the Banjo-Kazooie Wiki I was thinking there may not be a whole lot to cover, but if you cover each aspect of the game in detail, like all the levels and stuff, and of course all the characters, there would be enough there. And Kirby Wiki, Star Fox Wiki, Metroid Wiki? We know Zelda is pretty much taken. (And if it's been done before but the site is crappy, we could always attempt it and make the site work. Like I found a movie wiki but it was horrible and dead.)

Having a number of game series wikis is a much better idea than having one giant video game wiki, which I've seen done. The sites could be very close with each other. For example, we wouldn't go into too much detail with Banjo in the Mario Wiki because he's barely there. Just say what we know about his role in the Mario series, and put something like "For more information on the Banjo-Kazooie series, see the Banjo-Kazooie Wiki". blarmey.

Movie Wiki isn't really a bad idea, either. Each movie page would esentially have an infobox with a movie poster and some info about each film. Galleries of images for each film. I don't know if it's worth it to try to go up against sites like the IMDb, though. It would take a lot of editing to be considered a credible source where you could look up virtually any movie like you can there.
I like this idea. How about a sonic wiki?
Yes, BanjoKazooie Wiki. That clears up unnecessary space (sorry Banjo fans) on this wiki. Same with Conker Wiki.

Star Fox Wiki, now that is something I can help with.

<<<<<See over there.

V And down there.
ultimatetoad said:
I like this idea. How about a sonic wiki?
Well, there's a Sonic wiki here.

I can get wikis up ASAP on this site before getting them a domain, so if any of you would like to help out getting whichever one of wikis a base, just let me know and I can get some of these up.
Banjo, Wario, DK, Yoshi, and Conker wiki for the spin-offs of the Mario games and stuff so we don't have articles about these characters on the site. They don't REALLY belong there.
I would be happy to help import & export articles from this wiki to a related wiki. You can put the coding for an article into another wiki this way.

I'd need sysop access on the new wiki, though.
If you do create a spin-off wiki of the Marioverse, we should coordinate efforts between the two. Mario will be the primary wiki, with other wikis branching off. They are still a part of the Marioverse and the wikis should reflect that. However, other video game wikis should remain independent of the Mario wiki. They can coordinate efforts but not be as interrelated. However, SSB pages on Mario Wiki can link to pages in other franchise Wikis, as to create a sense of coherency. We can attempt to rival other pre-established wikis if we want. Hopefully, our efforts will create a more comprehensive and complete picture of a different franchise, and people will flock to the new wiki. I would also like to request sysop status for any wiki created in relation to the Marioverse (or the Nintendoverse for that matter).

Some games would be in two or more wikis. For example, Wario Land: Super Mario Land 3 is on the fringes of the Marioverse, but still a part of it, but the game is also the first part of the Warioverse. The split between Donkey Kong and Mario occurs at Donkey Kong 3 (with no overlap there). The split between Donkey Kong and the Conker and Banjo series occurs at Diddy Kong Racing (however, the game is included in all three franchises).
I'd be happy to work on a Star Fox Wiki, however, my wiki syntax knowledge is somewhat limited. Someone would have to help me with that.
I've been thinking about a Yoshi wiki and quickly realizing that it would be too difficult to organize one. Yoshi and Mario are just so interelated. Whereas Wario and Donkey Kong went their own ways with their own unique enemies and locations, the Yoshi franchise is very much rooted in the Marioverse. As such, I don't recommend establishing a Yoshi wiki.
Donkey Kong & Wario Wikis would have the most starting content. Let's hold off on Banjo + Conker for now. I suggest creating only one wiki at a time, then exporting all pages (PipeProject possibility) to the new wiki. Then, repeat after about a month or so, so the new wiki is established.

I suggest DK Wiki first, then Wario.
But Wario doesn't have all that many games! Besides, isn't he a part of the standard, not extended, Marioverse?
He has games like WarioWare, Wario World games so he is in the Extended Marioverse, Monty.
After explaining some BK pointers to Paper Jorge, I thought about a GameGuide Wiki. This would be extremely tough for all games - it would take even more people than we have now to get the multiple series of games out there - and even harder to not copy anything from GameFAQs and other guides. To make such a wiki better than those sites may be impossible - but hey, putting it out there.

And to those thinking of using a Guide namespace for the MarioWiki, I don't think so - multiple uses of the word "you" and more.
Wayoshi said:
After explaining some BK pointers to Paper Jorge, I thought about a GameGuide Wiki. This would be extremely tough for all games - it would take even more people than we have now to get the multiple series of games out there - and even harder to not copy anything from GameFAQs and other guides. To make such a wiki better than those sites may be impossible - but hey, putting it out there.

And to those thinking of using a Guide namespace for the MarioWiki, I don't think so - multiple uses of the word "you" and more.
I used to have a wiki like that. It failed horribly.

I had a video game cheats wiki (, and made the video game faqs wiki ( But like I said the site was dead.
That sounds sad.

I knew you were going to mention it here Wayoshi.

I still can't belive that you Wayoshi don't know that there's a Star Fox series out there.
That's why I figure competition is the enemy here. A cheats/faqs wiki competes with already-established multi-billion dollar corporations like GameFAQs, while creating a game series wiki which has never been done competes with no one.

Okay, here's the Donkey Kong Wiki. Transfer pages from the MarioWiki, but don't delete anything on the MarioWiki, at least not yet.
Can we have an entirely new Star Fox Wiki? I'd love to work on that.

Or is the fact that it has nothing to do with Mario a hindrance?