Ideas for Pokémon Generation V

Maybe evolution by trade only in a certain Pokémon Center and only when the other Pokémon is holding a certain item.
in D/P they also had that funky rule where you had a pokemon hold a particular item and leveled up in a certain area for a period of time (or just the latter for the Ice/Grass Eevees)
They should make certain Pokémon only evolve, when their nickname is equal to their evolution's name.
PaperStriker said:
They should make certain Pokémon only evolve, when their nickname is equal to their evolution's name.
I'm confused with all of this professional-sounding poke-talk going around... (PSSTIimapoke-n00bPSST)
Evo (lvl. 35): Firsh
Type: Water/Fire
Description: Fiery fish
Ability: Swift Swim/Flame Body
HP: 50
Atk: 35
Def: 45
SpAtk: 80
SpDef: 70
Spd: 60

HP: 70
Atk: 60
Def: 70
SpAtk: 120
SpDef: 100
Spd: 80

Lvl. 1: Tackle
Lvl. 4: Bubble
Lvl. 8: Ember
Lvl. 12: Growl
Lvl. 16: Water Gun
Lvl. 20: Bide
Lvl. 24: Safeguard
Lvl. 28: Bubblebeam
Lvl. 32: Sunny Day
Lvl. 32: Rain Dance
(Firlet will continue to learn moves in a 4-Lvl. period, so I'll list Firsh's moves only)
Lvl. 37: Flamethrower
Lvl. 44: Rest
Lvl. 51: Will-o-Wisp
Lvl. 58: Agility
Lvl. 65: Nasty Plot
Lvl. 72: Boiling Water
Lvl. 79: Hydro Pump

03: Water Pulse
04: Calm Mind
05: Roar
06: Toxic
07: Hail
10: Hidden Power
11: Sunny Day
12: Taunt
13: Ice Beam
14: Blizzard
15: Hyper Beam*
16: Light Screen
17: Protect
18: Rain Dance
20: Safeguard
21: Frustration
22: Solarbeam
27: Return
28: Dig
32: Double Team
33: Reflect
35: Flamethrower
38: Fire Blast
42: Facade
43: Secret Power
44: Rest
45: Attract
46: Thief
50: Overheat
55: Brine
58: Endure
61: Will-o-Wisp
72: Avalanche
78: Captivate
82: Sleep Talk
86: Grass Knot
87: Swagger
90: Substitute

03: Surf
04: Strength
06: Rock Smash
07: Waterfall

*: Firlet cannot learn

Boiled Water is its signature move.
Type: Water (O RLY?)
Special (O RLY?)
Base Power: 100
Acc.: 90
Effects: 30% Chance of burning (doesn't make much sense...)
Me and my friends have been discussing an evolution for Farfetch'd. We're thinking a panda with a stick of bamboo.
A baby Lapras would be pretty cute. :3

There should be a Tentacruel evolution too. It'd be pretty cool with tentacles everywhere and stuff. 8)
Ugozima said:
Lyra said:
There should be a Tentacruel evolution too. It'd be pretty cool with tentacles everywhere and stuff. 8)
<insert tentacle rape joke here>
Oh, you.
Ugozima said:
Lyra said:
There should be a Tentacruel evolution too. It'd be pretty cool with tentacles everywhere and stuff. 8)
<insert tentacle rape joke here>

Strong Bad said:
Are you sure you're not Ralphfan?
Nice try, but Ralphfan would actually make the complete opposite of that joke.
Giygas said:
It's the mods' job to yell at everyone like that, not yours. ;)

Qwilfish is another Pokemon that needs an evolution.
Qwilfish isn't really that cool of a Pokémon though. Ursaring, on the other hand, would make for a pretty cool Pokémon to get an evolved form.
Zangoose need an evolution.

Update later today. They are gonna release the pic on a new pokemon today on pokemon sunday.
Last night a dreamt up a new Pokémon, I don't really know why, but it was just like a ball with a smiley face on it.

Ugozima said:
Last night a dreamt up a new Pokémon, I don't really know why, but it was just like a ball with a smiley face on it.
Starters for new generation confirmed:


Other stuff:

I thought the new starters were strange at first, but then again, I thought the same thing for the previous starters. Personally, I like the Grass type best, with the first type as a close second, but the water type one is cute, too. I don't think it deserves the treatment it's been getting on deviantART (with comments like "Hurrrr" and "derp!" along with it).
