Ms Mowz!
yellow & a blue toad, why not wario & waluigi? I don't see why they couldn't of done it. Wario is yellow & waluigi is blue/purple. different colours gosh! how low can u go!Link_Dudette said:per,per,per is the word
yes here are a few of the mistakes:
peaches party,that party really should have had daisy,rosalina and some other characters their,yes its a silly thing but its a small detail
the bosses,really,they should have had more than JUST the kooplings as bosses, also in level 8 they should have done it like smbds with dry bowser and the final boss you had to fight all 7 koopling ,bowser ad jr one at a time rather than just making bowser bigger,its the easiest final boss ever
yellow and blue toads, that.... was just bad.....
p1 can only be mario,thats mean, what if p1 wants to be luigi!
yes most those mistakes have made the game worse in some way IMO