E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Mar 18, 2016 #7,602 Orange Todd.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Mar 21, 2016 #7,604 Hartodd.
Xandalf You are naught but a decadent dandy! Mar 21, 2016 #7,605 Don't mind me, just ruining more forum games. Lxavnedrnae Tlodfd
TPG from deltarune 'Shroom Consultant Poll Consultant Pronouns He/Him/His Mar 22, 2016 #7,608 Txe payrno gdyalf
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Mar 22, 2016 #7,609 The Todd. The Todd.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all May 8, 2016 #7,615 Harpesian Dietz
Xandalf You are naught but a decadent dandy! Jun 1, 2016 #7,618 What happened here...? Cfalpatdanian Xk'fnluacdknlaexs
Harpesian Doot doo doooo!♪ Jun 2, 2016 #7,619 Thank you for fixing it. Hxaanrdpaeslifa...um. Out of ideas.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jun 2, 2016 #7,621 Infinite777
Xandalf You are naught but a decadent dandy! Jun 3, 2016 #7,622 What are you guys doing? Forgot my valuable lesson already? XFN-D7L7F7
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jun 3, 2016 #7,623 Your way is too illegible for my liking. F-Dalf
Xandalf You are naught but a decadent dandy! Jun 4, 2016 #7,624 The illegibility is part of the fun! Fx7a7n7d7a7l7f
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Jun 4, 2016 #7,625 It's not fun for me. Xan-777