The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

I'm going somewhere tomorrow. I might be able to post on phone, but I doubt it. I'll be back the day after.

Edit: And we're back.
turntechGodhead said:
And we're back.
Oh I finally understand now. :O
Anyways I welcome you back.
Sea cadet camp starts tommorow, I may post tommorow morning but after that it is unlikley I will post untill friday.
Also this is my 4000th post :)
And now it's confirmed for me to go on vacation early tomorrow.
I'll possibly be on through my phone('s internet roaming), but as soon as I'm at vacation (actually at my family's place).

And a reminder:
I'll be less active on August 16th and 17th, due to Gamescom 2011.
Don't worry, I'll be on this Forum during my vacation, using my phone's Wireless Hotspot feature.
I'll just not be as active as usual on the first and last days, because we're then driving in the car, and holding a Macbook and a phone at the same time can be hard.
Will be gone all day tomorrow. May or may not post on phone. If I do it won't be much. And I won't be back early like last time.
Good news for you, my phone has no SIM Lock, and I'm currently using a Polish SIM Card in my phone.
In that fact, I'll be active as much as I can.
Hey will be gone for a long time. I'm away for two weeks and might be gone for 1 more week then so SPM mafia will be on hold. Feel free to modkill me from other mafias. I will be back so don't worry.
Sorry for disappearing for a few days; the internet was down for almost every Comcast customer in my neighborhood for the past 3 (might be 4 now, actually) days. I didn't really have any way to get online. :(

Needless to say, I'm back now~

also, 28 new messages. My God.