The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Welcome back, Yoshidude.

Hope you get better, UM.
So, never posted in here (at least not as a goer,) but yay! I'm going away and coming back!

So, have family in Nebraska and going out there for a vacation. That means 2 days trapped in a car with my family!! Wish me luck! :D!

Anyways, should be back by New Years Day/Eve. Not sure what my internet will be like during that time, so this may be the last time I'm on for awhile, but it may also not be!! WHO KNOWS!!! It will be an adventure in wifi connections.

So bye!

Please ban my forum account.

I am now retiring forever.

I know you might say, as you said to Doomship 2 in the past: "You may want to come back, and you won't be able to", I've made my decision. It's getting too boring :/, and I'm playing online games along with my new Xbox 360, so I'd rather do that stuff then post here.

So I'm 100% sure I will quit.

Don't make sarcasm posts where you say I'll be returning tomorrow, I haven't posted or logged in about a month, so you can see I've already made my decision, and it's pretty obvious what it is.

This means The Real Life Wiki is cancelled and my Userpedia Mafia is cancelled. MG1: Please lock my Userpedia Mafia thread, and if someone could lock my The Real Life Wiki thread that would be good too.

So this means I'll be quitting everything involving the MarioWiki community. I know this sounds dramatic and I think I'm popular, but I'm not trying to do that. I'm trying to say goodbye to my friends.

Again, don't make sarcasm posts where you say I'll be returning tomorrow. I'm not coming back.

Goodbye Userpedia, MarioWiki, and the MarioWiki Forums.

-UltimatePetey (Supremo78)
Re: Mods:

This seems sudden. Any reasoning you'd like to share with us? If not, that's fine. Goodbye, then.
Re: Mods:

I wouldn't ask the mods to ban your account. There is just a small chance that you may want to come back some day.

But in case you don't, goodbye Supremo. You will be missed.
Re: Mods:

Oh, excuse me for missing the reasoning.

Have fun on your Xbox 360.