The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

A bit late but good luck being on the streets anser. Get rid of Maduro so we can enjoy life like we should (so I can as well roam places at night without dyying and be able to finally afford a 3ds.)

all I can do is root for ya here and no I won't jjoin. the idea of dyiinng sccares the fuck out of me so good luckk anser and may Bolivar be with you
Michell said:
I'm leaving too
probably not for good, but I'm gonna take a break and see what happens
you'll be back like all the others
It seems we have not heard from Anser in the last 24 hours. I hope nothing terrible has happened to him
NSY said:
It seems we have not heard from Anser in the last 24 hours. I hope nothing terrible has happened to him

Well we dont need to know everything, but i do hope he's alright.

He's in a pretty rough spot.
NSY said:
It seems we have not heard from Anser in the last 24 hours. I hope nothing terrible has happened to him
yeah i'm pretty woried about him too

also welcome back YK!
I made it back! Barely, but I did!

Yesterday was pretty intense. At the beginning of the protest (3pm) it was all peaceful, and it was an actually beautiful moment to see all these young people, students like me, marching for the same reason. We just want to have a good country to leave in, and we don't want to have to leave to have good life conditions. We sang the national anthem and some chants against the government, telling them that we do NOT fear them. It stayed peaceful most of the day until I don't know WTF happened around 8pm but the government's people arrived all of a sudden and I had to run for my life. They started throwing stones and well... A stone landed on my rib. I started coughing and couldn't breathe but my friends carried me and got me out and took me to a hospital. I got some X-rays and thankfully the stone didn't break my rib (I don't know how, it was about the size of a fist). I think it didn't break it because it didn't hit the rib directly; my arm received the impact first and it's actually a little bit black now. They gave me some pills for the pain and went home to rest. I was actually lucky; had the stone landed on my head, I wouldn't be here today.

Today, I went out to protest again, and the people from the government, yet again, came back to shoot us, but this time I made it out safely. They started throwing out some green gas bombs I was told were used during the Nazi wars and that are banned by most international organizations. The gas is made of arsenic and makes people vomit, and, if you breathe it too much, you can even die. Tomorrow I'm going out again and hopefully things won't get as bad. Now I want to hit the streets even more. I was so mad to see how the government wants to harm us and even kill us, the future of the country, just because we don't follow their orders. I refuse to see my fellow students try to save the country while I stay home. I just can't.

I found a video you guys may want to watch, as it's a thorough explanation of what's going on, in English. It's called "What's going on in Venezuela in a nutshell". It has some intense pictures, but nothing I would call "gore". If you feel like it, please share it on whatever social network you're part of. (For some reason, it won't let me embed the link... It says #Invalid Youtube link#).

On a side note, I can't believe how many people here have a good luck message for my country and me on their signatures, let alone how many of you were worried about me because I didn't post yesterday. It's unbelievable, really. I can't stress enough how grateful I am. I just don't know how to thank you. Venezuela also thanks you for helping us during these difficult times where we have no voice. God bless you all, guys. Thank you so, so, so, so, SO much!!!!

Oh, by the way, I don't think we've met before, but welcome back, Yoshi K!
man that sounds really scary, glad you came back ok

i wish i could help spread the word but unfortunately i don't really have a very big social life at all outside of this forum, so yeah

still, you're really quite brave to be doing this, and i hope things will eventually improve for you