The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Why am I not b& yet? Mods please change that :bowjr:
so im back from the hospital after a car crash
Thank goodness you're okay, none of us would want to see you hurt.
Adder said:
thanks guys
almost dying was a bit of an inconvenience, but thanks for carin
youre making a fucking stupid shitposter happy

i havent replied yet but im glad you're alright, sheesh, less car wrecks i hear about the better.
Good to hear you're ok ARFU!

Anyway, looks like nobody else here is trash enough for console Overwatch :( so I should probably disappear again (until ZTD comes out because I promised GBA).
OK, so a time period I've been expecting to happen is finally happening starting tomorrow. The laptop I have been using for IRC and stuff is a school laptop with heavy protection (which has prevented me from using the forums, wiki, etc. and I can only use my tablet for those), which means that it's a laptop that will have to be returned. That day to be returned is now tomorrow at my graduation, which means I will be LAPTOPLESS for a short while. HOWEVER, I will be ordering my own personal laptop sometime tomorrow before graduation, which means I will be getting my own laptop hopefully by Saturday or Sunday.

Basically, what this means is that I will be mostly gone from IRC for the next few days with no laptop until my new one comes in. I will still be around the forums and Twitter because of my tablet, and I'm not necessarily leaving, but I thought I should post about this anyway! Speaking of which though tomorrow is my high school graduation which means tomorrow will most likely be the first time I ever post a picture of myself on the Marioboards so get HYPED
Kirstie Maldonado said:
OK, so a time period I've been expecting to happen is finally happening starting tomorrow. The laptop I have been using for IRC and stuff is a school laptop with heavy protection (which has prevented me from using the forums, wiki, etc. and I can only use my tablet for those), which means that it's a laptop that will have to be returned. That day to be returned is now tomorrow at my graduation, which means I will be LAPTOPLESS for a short while. HOWEVER, I will be ordering my own personal laptop sometime tomorrow before graduation, which means I will be getting my own laptop hopefully by Saturday or Sunday.

Basically, what this means is that I will be mostly gone from IRC for the next few days with no laptop until my new one comes in. I will still be around the forums and Twitter because of my tablet, and I'm not necessarily leaving, but I thought I should post about this anyway! Speaking of which though tomorrow is my high school graduation which means tomorrow will most likely be the first time I ever post a picture of myself on the Marioboards so get HYPED

Congrats on the graduation Packy! And the picture, I am totally hyped up! :) Enjoy tomorrow!
So in about two days I will be on my way to Naples, Florida. I don't expect to be posting much (except for tfp's Nico thread). I'll be back in about a week from then, but after I get back, I'll be going to college, so expect my activity to go down a bit (except for tfp's Nico thread).
have fun, if you've never been there before naples is weird because there's literally nothing south of it, it's the end of the country, there's nothing, it's the last town
Re: The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Threa

Doing my final Duke of Edinburgh expedition tommorow in and around Cheddar, I'll be walking 14km to a campsite, then camping overnight until Sunday, then walking 17km back to the finish, and I'm pretty excited for it! I'll post pictures when I get back, the views should be great when you're at the top of a gorge. I've been practicing for this since September, so hopefully it won't all go to waste (there are like a billion ways to get disqualified)

Wish me luck, and see you all later!
I'll be gone for pretty much all of next week due to Boy Scouts camp. See you guys eventually!