The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Moldomré: The Crossover Episode said:
Probably gone by now, but still, hope you have a good trip YFJ!
Still have a bit of time. I leave around 4 pm (ET).
Hi, I'm back.

I'm just going to hope for the best and resume my normal internet activity, which is mostly on Twitter and Discord but I'll still show up here occasionally.
Don't let the DK get to you.
On September 1st, I start university. What does this mean for me?

There's a lot of wiki related things I'm going to drop on or before this date, namely my activity here will almost cease (will still be invested in Shroom, though! I love writing about space and would probably write 5 a day if no one stopped me) and I'm going to be dropping a lot of Discord servers (not even just wiki community servers, just servers in general) due to potential distractions.

I'm not leaving Discord, because I have a community of friends from my area, my current relationship partner, and a university group there: as well, I don't want to outright ditch you guys.

I also have my own server! I definitely encourage you to join if you want to still talk with me but I warn you, it's slightly dead unless you're interested in Love Live. As well, you can DM me here or on Discord (if you have it, I don't want to publicly admit my username).

This place is like a secondary home, so I can't ditch it at all. I just know I will have to take a step back for my intensive major. I'll still be here doing Killing Game and everything, so it'll be closer to the end of August unless something comes up.

Y'all are super great as a community and I regret nothing.
I hope that university goes well. Sometime this year maybe. I will be off to going to do basic training for the military, so I won't be that active when that happens. When it happens, I'll pop in between sessions.
Well I'm leaving tomorrow, see y'all in a week. Also, I'm not going to basic military training yet, thus my soon return.
Btw, you guys probably won't see much from me this week; I'm vacationing in Florida. I'll pop in now and then but otherwise, not much.