The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

I am starting high school in a week and yeah and I will post less
Starting tomorrow, I'll be heading out on vacation. My activity will drop for a week or so, but I'll still try to pop in for the Awards ceremonies. Until then, so long, and thanks for all the fish!

Have a great vacation at Isle Delfino, Shiver City, Dry Dry Outpost, or wherever you are going. :)
Yo what up.

Anyone remember me? I feel like it's been so long that I just kinda slipped into the forgotten-ness of just randomly disappearing. Anyway, I've been planning on making this post for months now but never actually got around to it. This is going to be a retrospective/retirement post - I'll hang around on here for the rest of the day in case anyone replies.

So I joined here in 2013 - holy fuck, I regret that so much. I was not even remotely close to mature enough to try to be on a forum like this, I was 11. Thankfully I've matured a ton since then, and it feels a lot better. I had a lot of good times on here in the times I was active, even if it was pretty on and off for the last few years. There's a ton of nice people and I would love to reconnect with some of them, but I'll come back to that. I remember saying some homophobic shit five years ago, and I still regret it and I'm very sorry. I'm sure I've apologized since then but I feel obligated to tell people that I'm sorry and I disown anything bigoted I may have said in the past. For fuck's sake, I'm trans and panromantic now so it would be pretty stupid of me to say anything homophobic. I also had a bad habit of being a clout chaser - I saw that other people had lots of posts in their threads and all these fancy titles and positions and I wanted it too, but I just wasn't ready for that yet. Looking back, I should have just minded my own business and enjoyed myself, but I was too occupied trying to become popular that it clouded my judgment sometimes. I wanted to be famous on here, but I just ended up becoming infamous because I had no idea what the fuck I was doing.

So with that not looming in the back of my mind anymore, I still remember some of the things I did on here pretty fondly. ITT Post Tumble makes me laugh to this day, albeit ironically because it was objectively pretty cringy, but the story that came out of it on Userpedia (yes, I still remember that site) was a blast and I loved it. There were RPs I did on here in 2017 that helped me build up my skill of worldbuilding and even though I'm pretty out of practice, I still look back on that and how fun it was. And like I said, there's a ton of really cool people here that I almost built lasting friendships with. I don't know how many are still around; hopefully a few. But to not ramble on too much, I still have plenty of fond memories of this website and the seven years I spent being active on it.

With all that said, what have I been up to? Well, today is my first day of community college. I'm pursuing a degree in business administration that hopefully I'll have by 2025. On top of that, I had my third anniversary with my boyfriend on Sunday, and I'm planning to move out to Illinois soon, hopefully by the end of the year. I've also been getting into the modding scene for Wii Sports, Wii Sports Resort, and basically all Mii games, which I've been having a really good time with. Hit me up if you play any Mii games and you want a mod for them, maybe I can help. In slightly bigger news, I'm getting my legal name changed soon, which feels great after this long of getting dead named by my transphobic mom. It really feels like my life is starting to go places and I'm not the lazy ass I was a few years ago.

To wrap this up, I'd like to thank this website for basically introducing me to the concept of internet friends. If not for this place, I may have never made a Discord, which led me to tons of friends, my Twitter, and even my boyfriend. I may have been an immature little shit for way too long, and I'm really sorry I was. I'm 19 and a half now, and I think I just grew out of my interest in this website. It happens to all of us - we get older, and our interests change. Not to wax philosophical or anything, but there's things we used to like that we move on from and I think my time has come. Will I ever come back? Who knows. Maybe I'll get nostalgic for this place in a year or two and come back for old time's sake, I don't know. But for now, I think my time as an active member has come to an end. Even though it already did over a year ago but shush, I like being sappy sometimes.

Finally, if you want to reach me now, send me a DM by about midnight Eastern tonight (about 12 hours from now) and I'll read it but after that, you can find me on Twitter @ghostgirl74_ or on Discord, which I'll give you in a DM.

Thanks for the memories, Super Mario Boards. I hope you all have a great day.


PS: If anyone knows anything about Wii U error code 150-3032, please tell me because it's been haunting me for months.

Edit: I put my Discord in my profile. It's really not some exclusive club.
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Hello, everyone! I believe that most folks who are affected by this (The 'Shroom staff, Strategy Wing writers) are already aware, but, for the rest of the community, I wanted to take a moment to let you folks know that I'll be away from here for a short little bit. From this coming Sunday through to the start of the following Sunday, I'll be mostly unavailable.

I'll still check in once or twice a day, but, save for an emergency, those check-ins will be brief and I most likely won't do or say much. You're still free to contact me, of course, but if it's truly urgent and not something that requires me specifically, you'd do better to reach out to someone else. If it's related to The 'Shroom, I'm sure Roserade will be able to help you out during this short span of time!

Anyways, I simply wanted to put that out there now so nobody ended up left confused about my absence or why I might not respond to things quickly next week. Take care during that week, and I'll return in full-force after it's over.
I'll be gone for a couple of months! If you want to chat, I'll be in the Mario Wiki discord, so don't be afraid of sending a friend request. See you on the other side...

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welp guess i was gone for practically all of october, without even announcing that i'd be inactive, the usual, admittedly it was a mix of me being busy and me just not feeling like posting

but welp, i guess I'm here now, in case anyone was wondering where I had gone!
Wellllll, I suppose this is somewhat overdue. I'm officially going away from this community for the time being. I haven't done much since the Mario Awards, and my interest in this community has dwindled. I still value all the people I've interacted with, and I thank you all for the kindest you've shown me for the past 3 or 4 years.
When I say I'm leaving, I refer to the Mario Boards itself. I will stick around on Discord, albeit in a less active state.

Thank you all for the amazing memories; I may return eventually, but for now, goodbye.
Well, Moldo, good luck to you. It's been nice to have you around, and a shame to see you go, but you have to spend your time on what you're interested in. We'll see you around Discord! All the best wishes for your other pursuits going forward, wherever you end up!
ive got a bunch of irl stuff going on and tbh after a lot of mafia this year im a little worn down so i'll be taking a sabbatical from the boards for a little while to focus on stuff at my church and with friends and family. not sure how long it'll last, i guess only time will tell! have fun and try not to burn the place down while im gone (only nobu is allowed to burn it down)
I'm also going to be taking some time off now that my semester is over. I overworked myself at some points and I just need to unwind so I'm going to be on here a lot less while I try to recharge. I might stop by every once in a while but I want to take advantage of the down time while I have it, you know?

Hopefully I can come back with some big, positive life updates for the new year. Have a fun couple weeks and a happy holiday season.
okay so, ive been a little overwhelmed over the past month or so, mostly due to school and work stuff, so im just taking like the rest of the month off to chill

i'll be back early january, see you then, paisanos!
See ya!