The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

Wow, that's a long time to spend in the tub.

For those of you that don't know, Bath is an English city.
If she at least used some capital letters, I could understand that it's about an English city, but without them, I thought "I'm sure you do that every day.". said:
If she at least used some capital letters, I could understand that it's about an English city, but without them, I thought "I'm sure you do that every day.".

Same here.
I am back from an awesome camping trip! Except the time where I slipped around the indoor pool, and hit my head and two elbows on the concrete...... But nothing was broken, and I had no concussion or anything, so that's good.
Aw man I hate when I respond to a post and then the guy deletes it cause now it looks like I'm berating Lily for warning mafia hosts about reduced activity.
Herr Shyguy said:
now it looks like I'm berating Lily for warning mafia hosts about reduced activity.

You would
Im back from a weekend away.
I walked 16km on saturday with a full fatass rucksack then walked 7km the next day in the rain.
I will be leaving with my family to go to Disney World tomorrow. I'll still be able to post here with my cell phone.
Im going to Florida sometime in July.
Don't know the exact date yet, however.