The official name change announcement thread

Leo Luster please.
Love you, Reigen, but for now I have to go back to Kazooie to celebrate the arrival of our avian overlord in the game where people punch each other a lot.

I am egg static.
Erdrick the Hero. Finally thought of an "out-of-left-field" theme for me: a character with my three favorite colors (yellow, pink, and cyan) but also someone whose game I've never played.

EDIT: Thanks mods!
as much as i hate to leave behind yukiho/my Christmas theme (and right before july, as well!), its finally almost kg time so...
John Doe, please.
I would like The Terminator please.
From this point forward, I shall be known as SeproDep. (Wait, does the time until you can change your name reset when you get unbanned?)
sorry for double post but you forgot to change my name

or maybe you didn't

sorry for assuming

Back to Toadgamer.

I know I haven't watched Toy Story 4 yet, but I will tomorrow, so I'll be myself again.