The official name change announcement thread

does that mean you wont be a honk anymore?
People usually keep their Honk group after going to a different name.
I don't mean to be needy but I think the official namechange thread should be updated. Example: I was looking for Snowstalker's profile and I had to search Snowstalker, find a post quoted from him, and then click on it to figure out his name was Gummy. I know we can click profiles to see names but it doesn't work when you have no idea who to click.

I know it's lame for me to rush. Maybe whenever an admin namechanges someone, they should add it to the public name change thing themselves?
In IT its 'Make a music concert plan' and make promotinal powerpoints there is lots of gorill az and a 'homestuck dress up contest.'
tentacleTherapist said:
In IT its 'Make a music concert plan' and make promotinal powerpoints there is lots of gorill az and a 'homestuck dress up contest.'

Well on the MS Paint Adventures website, I saw Homestuck troll T-shirts (with their Zodiacs of their color on it). They were pretty cool.
Perfect, also at the concert we sell homestuck merchendise, I even designed my own 'keep calm and read homestuck' sign.
'3K said:
'3K said:
And people wonder why the name change requests get buried.
Or posts like this:

Snake Man said:
I don't mean to be needy but I think the official namechange thread should be updated. Example: I was looking for Snowstalker's profile and I had to search Snowstalker, find a post quoted from him, and then click on it to figure out his name was Gummy. I know we can click profiles to see names but it doesn't work when you have no idea who to click.

I know it's lame for me to rush. Maybe whenever an admin namechanges someone, they should add it to the public name change thing themselves?

If I wasn't worried about being accused of minimodding, I would say "EVERYONE, QUIT FUCKING SPAMMING IN HERE. GO TO FUCKING MINDLESS JUNK FOR THAT BULLSHIT."

But I'm not going to say it.
SuperMario25 said:

i played mario in class today
'3K said:
'3K said:
And people wonder why the name change requests get buried.

Seriously, you're either trolling or are incapable of reading and understanding, since for some reason you guys feel that it's necessary to continue going off-topic after numerous statements by both regular users AND admins.

No one cares about if you played mario in class today when they're looking at the name change request thread. They care about getting their name changed. Go to Mindless Junk because all you're contributing is mindless junk.
Thank you for your amazing post.

Please, just listen to Hypnotoad, Mason, and '3K. This is starting to get annoying.
ON TOPIC: I'd like to go back to-


-whenever you folks have the time. I lasted longer than 3K's Robot Master change so I'm done.