The official name change announcement thread

Can you change it to Savato, please? Thanks in advance!
i wanna be

When I was asked what I would do with my life, I decided to become an avenger.

Iron Man, please!
Princess Mario :)
For the record, I don't think the display name I requested is taken... is it?
Doctor Strange please.
Hey, I know that I have to wait until April 25 to get a display name change, but is it possible to return to my original name sooner? Honestly I changed my name to my current one way too late. If I have to wait nine more days, that’s fine, but I would like to revert to my login name, YoshiFlutterJump, sooner if possible.
I don’t think it’s possible, the mods don’t make exceptions for people who want to change sooner.

Still have to wait a few days man.