So, how about them haters, huh?

Mr bones said:
Algeria. The only well-known Mario is Super Mario Bros. However, there are some gbas and n64s and sneses. But no one is really interested in them. They only like to play gta 3 and vice city... That's why Mario isn't well-known in my country.
those games = awesome
Note: Ugozima is less of a Mario fan than everyone else here.
Oaktown Mojo said:
And I think GTA is a waste of time.

Aren't video games made to kill time when you have nothing to do?

On topic: Yeah, haters are annoying, but I haven't really found any haters in my school for the Mario series...
I don't think I know any Mario haters. Then again, the popular kids in my school are the ones that bring their gameboy SPs in to play Pokemon during class, so maybe they're just different :P
All the Mario haters in my school are Call of Duty and Halo fans. They've never played the good Mario games, though.