Mario Wiki In Spanish

Just 'cause of that, I'm making cape sprites of me.

...NOT *spank*

Well, back to topic, kids. I've got a virtual migraine.
English obviously is the greatest language on the wiki. Spanish probably the second. And French is maybe the third. I dunno.

A long long time ago, English, Spanish and French were the same language, along with Russian, Hindi, Scots and Old Norse. Not Finnish, though.
We could set it up on Wikia, I'd have no prob running a Spanish wiki.

Is it worth it?

I meanm, probably only 0.1 percent of our users a month are Spanish and cannot read English.
There are several users who know both English and Spanish, 3D.
Don't worry about there being no contributors.
Maybe. The front page can be translated, and other importantifical stuff can be translated. Not by me, though. I don't speak Spanish. Non hablo español, señor.
well, im too poor to pay webhosting. so wikia it would have to be.
If he wants to, he can.
And then we'd have that toolbar on the left like on Wikipedia that'll jump to the same article in the other language.
yeah, the only thing in our way is Steve.....

I'm afraid we may have to pick wikia. :(
Nah, i didn't ask him yet.