^, <, and V

^ Don't care for the fruit, but I like the fad. BANANAS :dk:
< Likes Pokemon White.
V Has not played Black or White.
^ I'm in 11th.
< Has only one character left to unlock in MK7.
V Has unlocked everyone.
<Thinks Waluigi should be in Mario Kart 7 over the Honey Queen
vAlso Does
^ Yes, he's underrated.
< Likes Wario and Waluigi over Mario and Luigi.
V Doesn't like the Zelda series.
^ No, but it is getting colder here.
< Likes :poshjr:
V Doesn't
^ You kidding? Mason's fused smilies are almost always awesome
< Thinks Mason should make more unofficial smilies
v Does too
^ Hell yes.
< Just revived this game again.
V Dislikes Peach.
^ Not in the slightest
< Only posts in this sporadically
V Has a large vocabulary
^ nope.
< Will not be getting Skyward Sword any time in the near future.
V Thinks that I should.
^ of course
< is cool
VV wonders why there's 2 V's
^ I don't really care.
< Dislikes Peach
V likes her
^ yes.
< enjoys the Sonic series.
V hates it.