^, <, and V

^Not really, more agnostic
<Plays TF2
V Does too
^i don't have to answer, since you're just stating a possible fact about me
< I can deny that here if I want to, or I can simply ignore it once again.
v here I can say a random fact about the person below, and even though they don't actually have to answer me, they're going to anyway because they think that's what people have to do.
Radagast the Brown said:
^ when you do these arrows, you don't actually have to respond
Mondo Oowada said:
^ - Say if the above poster's statement about you is true or not.
< - Say something about yourself.
V - Say something about the next poster.
< Can't think of anything to say here.
V Likes cheese
^ (If you mean thoughts) People will overreact to the smallest things thinking its the end of the world. It will be hilarious.
< loves the rain
V hates the rain
^Yes, and I meant display names you sillybilly.
<Has way too many pictures to sort through.
V Doesn't care much about posting outside of forum games/mindless junk.
^Half true, half false. Like to post in Handheld consoles and Marioverse, but I like here the most.
<Hasn't posted on these forums for a while.
v Likes chicken.
^ i LOVE chicken
< bumped this game, and won't be breaking the rules in this game ever again
v is happy that I bumped this game
^ Don't really enjoy spicy things.
< Isn't an outgoing person
v Enjoys going out
^ not sure I'm one to pass judgement, I'm afraid
< didn't celebrate Halloween this year
v also didn't celebrate Halloween this year
^ True
< Is going to a vacation during Christmas
v Bought PS4 or Xbox One