Mario Sports Mix

Parakarrygun88 said:
Where the hell is Mario football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mario:

Mario Strikers Charged, It may be soccer, but they use their hands... Plus, the one I have says football on it.
and he has a flag thing that says 'buy mario galaxy 2, its not as good as th first one but please can you buy it'
Super Mario Galaxy 2 > 1. Galaxy 2 is much harder, has more stars to get and overall is better than Galaxy 1.
btw, Rosalina's still in galaxy 2, After you beat Bowser the 3rd time and when you complete teh game
Crackin355 said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 > 1. Galaxy 2 is much harder, has more stars to get and overall is better than Galaxy 1.
btw, Rosalina's still in galaxy 2, After you beat Bowser the 3rd time and when you complete teh game
Crackin355 said:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 > 1. Galaxy 2 is much harder, has more stars to get and overall is better than Galaxy 1.
btw, Rosalina's still in galaxy 2, After you beat Bowser the 3rd time and when you complete teh game
tbh i still prefer the first one, the 2nd one hasnt got the magic of the 1st one, they have a whole 'galaxy 1 never happened thing' basiclly its the same as the first one storyline wise apart from the worlds ae boring swirls rather than rooms and the ship isnt as good and the storyline ist as intense and emotinal(the 1st one made me cry when rosalinas mother died) and instead of rosalina its a purple talking beachball!
sequels are NEVER as good as the original(unless its mario kart)
Lily x said:
tbh i still prefer the first one, the 2nd one hasnt got the magic of the 1st one, they have a whole 'galaxy 1 never happened thing' basiclly its the same as the first one storyline wise apart from the worlds ae boring swirls rather than rooms and the ship isnt as good and the storyline ist as intense and emotinal(the 1st one made me cry when rosalinas mother died) and instead of rosalina its a purple talking beachball!
sequels are NEVER as good as the original(unless its mario kart)

Reminds people of that statement Miyamoto made about Galaxy 2 having 95% of the stuff new. Ironically, 95% of the game is from its prequel; what is new is the galaxies, power-ups, Yoshi, and the various enemies.
the 1st one had more story than 'save peach,murder bowser. mama mia thanks for a playing' the story book made you think,cry and was somthing more deep and emotinal, what you would expect in the legend of zelda, but along came the sequel and the only deep story line i picked up was lubba and rosalina have met before
Lily x said:
tbh i still prefer the first one, the 2nd one hasnt got the magic of the 1st one, they have a whole 'galaxy 1 never happened thing' basiclly its the same as the first one storyline wise apart from the worlds ae boring swirls rather than rooms and the ship isnt as good and the storyline ist as intense and emotinal(the 1st one made me cry when rosalinas mother died) and instead of rosalina its a purple talking beachball!
sequels are NEVER as good as the original(unless its mario kart)
You prefer the first one because Rosalina was in it.
plus i love deep intense story lines, like rosalinas story book and the end scene of sonic rush are both emotinal
Villain11 said:
Lily x said:
tbh i still prefer the first one, the 2nd one hasnt got the magic of the 1st one, they have a whole 'galaxy 1 never happened thing' basiclly its the same as the first one storyline wise apart from the worlds ae boring swirls rather than rooms and the ship isnt as good and the storyline ist as intense and emotinal(the 1st one made me cry when rosalinas mother died) and instead of rosalina its a purple talking beachball!
sequels are NEVER as good as the original(unless its mario kart)
You prefer the first one because Rosalina was in it.

Why am I not surprised about that statement?!
MnSG said:
Villain11 said:
Lily x said:
tbh i still prefer the first one, the 2nd one hasnt got the magic of the 1st one, they have a whole 'galaxy 1 never happened thing' basiclly its the same as the first one storyline wise apart from the worlds ae boring swirls rather than rooms and the ship isnt as good and the storyline ist as intense and emotinal(the 1st one made me cry when rosalinas mother died) and instead of rosalina its a purple talking beachball!
sequels are NEVER as good as the original(unless its mario kart)
You prefer the first one because Rosalina was in it.

Why am I not surprised about that statement?!
Uh...because she is obsessed with Rosalina.
Crackin355 said:
Parakarrygun88 said:
Where the hell is Mario football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mario:
Mario Strikers Charged, It may be soccer, but they use their hands... Plus, the one I have says football on it.
PAL version, I presume? Soccer is called football in other regions.
[quote author=Lubba]
Super WaluigiWare said:
Crackin355 said:
Parakarrygun88 said:
Where the hell is Mario football!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mario:
Mario Strikers Charged, It may be soccer, but they use their hands... Plus, the one I have says football on it.
PAL version, I presume? Soccer is called football in other regions.

I never understood why it was called football here in Australia, I call it soccer so I don't understand why they put 'football' on it. We already have a sport called football anyway(where we actually use our feet, you guys barely use your feet in that game, what is this I don't even).
MrConcreteDonkey said:
[quote author=Lubba]

well i would like to see some galaxy characters in it, but rosalina is the only one i can see running around playing sport, lubba and sport dont go, lubba as the ball works